1: Musicals

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TheaterGeek has added the Squip Squad to chat 'musicals'

TheaterGeek: Who wants to go to Broadway with me?

Reinds: ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!

Boyf: gee, Mikey, calm down.

Boyf: but yes, I'd like to go.

Trees: I like Broadway...uh, sure.

JakeyD: not like I have the money, but definitely.

BiArsonist: no.

NotLohst: ok?

Valentine: I guess...

GossipGirl: sure, why not?

Imback: why are you asking?

InsanelyCool: I think the only one who can afford Broadway tix r Mikey.

Reinds: JARED!

BiArsonist: what?

JakeyD: idk, man.

Trees: Michael, u ok?

Reinds: it's fine, I just know not to trust Jared with any of my secrets anymore.

InsanelyCool: sorry...

GossipGirl: secret?

Reinds: my parents are lawyers, so...I'm pretty much loaded.

BiArsonist: WHAAAAT???

BiArsonist: and u never told anyone!?

Reinds: the only ones who know r Jere, Jared, my parents, and me.

TheaterGeek: we could go see Hamilton...

JakeyD: why hide it, dude?

Reinds: I didn't want people to act differently around me. You know how money changes a person.

Reinds: I didn't want friends who were only friends with me because of my money.

BiArsonist: I honestly see what you mean.

BiArsonist: I promise I won't change because of this.

JakeyD: same here.

Imback: *heere

Boyf: Squip no

Imback: Squip yes

TheaterGeek: none of us will change, Michael. You're a great friend.

Reinds: thanks, Christine.

Boyf: so, y r u asking about Broadway?

TheaterGeek: OH! I wanted to know if you guys wanted to see the Spongebob Musical. Tickets are only $50.

Reinds: there's a Spongebob musical!?!

Reinds: h*ll yeah!! I'm in!

BiArsonist: sounds dumb.

Imback: ooh!! I wanna see it!! I just searched my databases and supposedly it's amazing!

Boyf: welp, I'm in.

NotLohst: not a big fan of Spongebob.

Valentine: it's not the best.

JakeyD: no thanks.

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Where stories live. Discover now