Update and Requests

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Hey, everyone! So, as you may or may not know, I've recently gotten into the Sanders Sides fandom. Becoming a Fander (I think that's what the group is called, lol) has prompted me to write fanfiction, of course.

So, I'm writing a One-Shot book, but here's the catch: they're septuplets that were separated at birth. I'm writing multiple one-shots of their journey through elementary to high school to possibly college, but I doubt I'll go that far. Here are the facts so far:

Patton is the firstborn and first to be adopted. He's adopted at one month by two men. Has ADHD, is extremely friendly, loves dad jokes, and becomes the dad of the school, which is public school, and his brothers. He's also pansexual.

Logan is the second born and second to be adopted. He was three months when adopted by a young couple. Logan's a prodigy child of course and was placed in private school for most of his life until high school. He's alexithymic, meaning he has trouble showing his emotions and bonding with others. He's also asexual and aromantic.

Remus and Reina were conjoined twins. However, they didn't share any important organs, so it was easy to separate them. Remus and Reina were adopted together after a year by a rich lesbian couple. Reina has narcissistic personality disorder from being a spoiled brat. When she hit five, however, Remus was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and he was given more attention. Reina became jealous and treated her brother terribly by ignoring him or responding harshly to his attempts of being with his sister. At age ten, Reina started to feel uncomfortable in her own skin, but she ignored it until age thirteen when she couldn't take it anymore. With the help of her brother, Reina had accepted that she was transgender and promptly changed his name to Roman. (That's all I'm gonna say on the matter, the rest is spoiler territory.) Roman goes to public school, while Remus went to private school until high school. Roman is gay and Remus is polysexual; attracted to all genders except females. Remus also enjoys polyamorous relationships.

Virgil is the fifth born and the last to be adopted at age five by a cautious couple. He has anxiety, but knows how to calm himself down. He also has great friends that help him along the way. His parents are way too overprotective of him, which doesn't help his anxiety. He spends most of his time either in his room or with one of his friends/brothers. He's also demiromantic, ace, and gay.

Dolion is the sixth child born and was never adopted. He and Virgil were best of friends until Virge left at five. Without Virgil, no one was able to protect him from the bullies. Those bullies were the kids that burned half of his face off, leaving that side scarred for life. Dolion has antisocial behaviors, but it's unknown whether he has the disorder or not. He tends to lie to protect himself and others he may care about. He's an excellent liar. He also can always tell when someone else is lying, whether it's through a real life conversation or through texting. Dolion is also gay.

Thomas is the seventh child and stayed with his biological parents.

Other important notes:

-Virgil, Patton, and Thomas meet in first grade and are fast friends

-The three mentioned also met Reina, but she's a snobby, rich brat and they don't get along. Don't worry, they will eventually.

-Logan and Remus meet in second grade at private school. It took some time, but with Remus' persistence, they became close friends.

-They all also have another adopted sibling; Logan and Joan, Patton and Terrance, Virgil and Talyn, Roman/Remus and Valerie.

And that's basically it! Requests are open! Just please make sure that with your request, you include the school grade or what age(i.e. do a Christmas party with Virgil as their guest, pls. Freshman year.). Specify if you want it fluffy or angsty, though my strong suit is fluff.

I'm only doing from five-years-old to Senior year/17-18 yrs in this particular book. We'll see what happens in the future.

Here are some of the one-shots I've worked on already, or at least the working titles:

Patton Meets Virgil
Accepting Dolion
Virgil's First Christmas (With Friends)
Changes (2 parter)
MarioKart 8

I also plan to do a Virgil adoption, possibly a beach day, graduation for senior year at least, one of the high school plays that Roman, Thomas, Dolion, and Remus star in, probably a movie night with the whole crew, etc.

I could also use some prompts for my other Sanders Sides story. They're one shots still, but the ships are Intrulogicality (Remus, Logan, Patton) and for right now Anxceit, but I might add Roman to that ship, not sure yet.

I also wanted to know if you guys would be interested in a series of my uncompleted stories. Like old stories that were never finished and are never going to be finished. I have a mixture of Undertale, Hamilton, Mystery Skulls, etc. Let me know if that would be something you'd be interested in.

I literally copied this from my Update book that no one's reading, lol. Guess I'll just have to do what I always do...

Also, don't worry, I didn't forget about this story. I'm still working on the next part, but it's just taking a little longer than I expected.

Okies, I love you guys, have a great *insert time of day*! Leave requests here, you can DM me, message on the notification wall, etc.

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