11: RSVP

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BiArsonist has added the Squip Squad to ‘RSVP’

BiArsonist: morning, guys! You all are still coming to the party today, right?!

TheaterGeek: yes!

JakeyD: obviously

Valentine: I am

NotLohst: as am I 😊

GossipGirl: wouldn’t miss it for the world


Trees: w-we, uh, RSVP’d, R-Rich

BiArsonist: yes, I know this, and I love you

BiArsonist: as for the rest of you…

BiArsonist: you can still come, I’m just playing around 😋😋

GossipGirl: I would’ve found my own way in anyway

NotLohst: anything to get more gossip, right?

GossipGirl: hey, I’ve been doing good, ok? I deserve a little gossip.

Boyf: ...hey guys

Boyf: sorry, Rich, but I don’t think I’m feeling up for a party today

BiArsonist: aww, c’mon, tall-a**! You gotta come! It’s gonna be lame without you!

JakeyD: there’s even gonna be a bouncy house!

BiArsonist: oh my gosh, babe, you sound like a five year old

JakeyD: what? I like bouncy houses! They’re so bouncy!

TheaterGeek: is everything okay, Jeremy?

Boyf: no...everything is not okay.

Reinds: ...yeah, I can’t make it either

BiArsonist: why are you both bailing on me? 😢

Boyf: because...we lost Squip last night, okay?

Reinds: we’re in the grieving period

BiArsonist:  I am so sorry

JakeyD: If there’s anything you need, anything at all, whether it be a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I’m here for you

TheaterGeek: same goes for me

NotLohst: and me too

BiArsonist: what happened?


Reinds: he kept getting worse

Reinds: it was like the play, but easier

Reinds: physically, not emotionally

Boyf:  ...yeah, sure Michael

Boyf: he told me to tell you all that said goodbye

BiArsonist: I’m gonna miss that cinnamon roll…

Reinds: wait...what was that supposed to mean, Jeremy?

Boyf: the whole time, you acted like you didn’t care!

Boyf:  like, all you wanted was for me to drink that d**ned soda!

Boyf: he was your boyfriend too, Michael! You could’ve shown a little empathy!

Reinds: ……

Reinds has added Boyf to private chat

Reinds: I, um...need to tell you something…


Dear Michael,

Hey there. I want to thank you for giving me a chance, especially with everything that happened between us in the past. Thank you for helping me find myself and teaching me the wrongs and rights of life. I wouldn’t have been the Squip I am today without you. And Jeremy of course, but you already know that.

I think both of us know that...you never really wanted to be my boyfriend. Buh, before you deny it, I’m not hurt by it. I could kind of tell from the confession. You were hesitant and unsure. To tell you the truth...I believe you agreed to this relationship because you wanted Jeremy to be happy and if that meant sharing him, you were willing to do that. I can tell that you really love and care about him. Take care of him for me while I’m gone, will you?

Despite us not really dating, I’m going to miss you as one of my best friends. We really did have some fun times together. Make sure you continue making Jeremy happy. With me being gone, who knows how he will feel.

Promise me that you'll stay by his side. And make sure he reads my letter, okay? It was great knowing you, Michael Mell.

Thank you for reading.
Your friend,


Reinds: I just wanted you to be happy

Boyf: well, I want you to be happy too

Boyf: you should've told me that you were uncomfortable

Reinds: I'm not sorry

Reinds: and I wasn't uncomfortable

Reinds: I wouldn't have done anything to make myself feel awkward

Reinds: at least not intentionally


Boyf: Mikey...I don't know how to take this

Boyf: you should've said something and we could've worked something out

Boyf: I'm sure we could've done a polyamorous relationship with the two of you just being friends

Reinds: ...I didn't even think of that

Boyf: right

Boyf: communication is key in any relationship

Boyf: just talk to me about anything, ok?

Boyf: and I'll do the same

Reinds: ok, Jer-bear

Reinds: thank you

Boyf: of course

Reinds: I love you, Jeremy

Boyf: I love you too, Michael


726 words

And that is the end of Technical Difficulties! Idk how I feel about this ending, I think it feels a bit rushed, but I hope you all liked it! I don't know when the next book will be ready, but I'll let you know as soon as it's ready. Thank you all so much for reading! Have an awesome day! See you soon!

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Where stories live. Discover now