7: NYC pt. ii

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"Hey, guys! We’re back! Today’s the day for the Spongebob musical!” Christine beamed on the camera. “Is everyone excited?”

“So excited,” Jared said sarcastically.

“I d-dunno, I’m excited to see a Broadway sh-show,” Evan shrugged.

“I can't wait,” Michael smiled at the camera.

“Me neither,” Jeremy commented.

“This is gonna be great,” Squip squealed along with Christine.

“We're gonna get some breakfast and do a little more sightseeing before we head off to the show,” Christine informed.

“We should try the Stardust Diner,” Michael suggested. “They have singers who want to be on Broadway sing while we eat.”

“Ooh, that sounds cool,” Jeremy admitted.

“Singing on top of more singing?” Jared groaned.

“Aww, c-c-c-come on, Jared, it might be fun,” Evan tried to convince his boyfriend.

“Alright, alright...just stop with the puppy eyes,” Jared blushed and looked away.

"Yay!" Evan cheered and hugged his boyfriend. "I love you!"

"I love you too, boo," Jared rolled his eyes, smiling endearingly as he hugged back.

Squip smiled at the two, but felt sad in his heart. He didn't mention anything, though.

"We'll be back as soon as we get there," Christine winked at the camera.


"Heyo!" Christine waved at the camera.

The camera flipped around and scanned the restaurant. Then showed the food they were eating.

"How's the food, guys?" Christine asked.

"Very good," Jeremy spoke up.

"That's cuz it's the first thing you've eaten, babe," Michael chuckled. "But, yeah. It's not bad."

"I agree with Michael, I've had better," Jared nodded.

"My m-mom makes the best pancakes," Evan drooled just thinking about them.

"Heck yeah she does!" Jared's eyes sparkled. "Man, I love her pancakes."

Everyone laughed, except Squip, who was zoned out, playing around with his food.

"Sam?" Christine watched him flinch, obviously startled. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah...yeah. I'm fine," he replied, avoiding eye contact with his friends.

"You don't seem fine," Michael pointed out. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine, okay? Don't worry about me," Squip looked away.

'It's not like you really care. You don't even love me.'

Jeremy choked on his drink, distracting everyone for a second.

"Jeremy? You good, man?" Jared raised an eyebrow, patting his back.

"Yeah...I'm okay," Jeremy wheezed and looked at the Squip.

Squip...we need to talk.

'There's nothing to talk about.'

You're pouty today because of yesterday, aren't you. Because Michael didn't say he loved you back?

'...yeah...I'm sorry, I can't stop thinking about it.'

It's fine. You said you were fine with him not saying it back yet.

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Where stories live. Discover now