2: help

512 28 35

Trigger Warning for panic attack and mentions of cutting


InsanelyCool has added Trees and Reinds to private chat, ‘help’

InsanelyCool: help

Reinds: u ok? What's wrong?

InsanelyCool: i...i’m freaking the f**k out.

Trees: baby, please just calm down and tell us what happened.

InsanelyCool: I exist.

Reinds: ???

InsanelyCool: thats what f**king happened, i f**king exizt anx i shoulxnt f**king do tys t! S*&t!

Trees: I'll be there in one minute.

Reinds: Jared, you're scaring me.

Reinds: I'm gonna call u.

Call from Michael Mell

On the line, he only heard sobs and sniffles and panicked breathing. Jared was having a panic attack.

“Jared...Jared, can you hear me?” Michael asked.

There was a pause before Jared hummed to acknowledge that he heard him.

“Okay, I need you to do me a favor. Can you do that for me?”

Another hum.

“Can you name five things you see?” Michael asked nicely.

It took a minute, but Michael was patient.

“U-um...m-m-my t-toilet, the, u-uh shower, a-a-a sink...a-a-a b-b-broken t-t-t-teenager in...in the m-m-mirror, a-a-a-and m-my...my b-b-b-blood o-on…...m-my wrist…” Jared’s broken voice sounded.

“Okay, okay, good. Can you name four things you can feel?”


“It's okay if you can't. Can you name three things you can hear?”

“I-I can h-hear your v-voice, a-a-and my voice, and...a-a-and um...s**t! U-um...I-I don't know.”

“That's perfectly fine. Can you name two things you can smell?”

“Um, NO! I-I CAN’T F-F**KING D-D-DO THIS! F**K!” Jared exploded into more tears.

Michael hummed in thought before doing something that always calmed Jared down. He sang his version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

“Jared, Jared, you're a star. What a wonder that you are. Up above my world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Jared, Jared, I love you. Hope you know that I care too,” he sang, and kept singing until he heard the sobs and sniffles stop.

Michael heard a door close softly and he assumed that Evan had finally arrived.

“Jared, don't worry, help is on the way,” Michael said softly.

Jared hummed just as the bathroom door opened.

“Jared? Baby,” Evan's worried voice sounded.

“I-I’m sorry,” Jared sniffled, though it was muffled.

Michael assumed that Evan had hugged him.

“No, no, no, don't apologize, baby.”

“Jared, I'm gonna Skype you so I can see what's going on,” Michael said.

“Okay,” came the quiet response.

Michael ended the call.

Skype video call from Michael.

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Where stories live. Discover now