5: Hello?

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Untitled has added Squip Squad to ‘Hello?’

Untitled: hello?

Boyf: uh…

Reinds: who r u?

Untitled: i…i don't know

Neo: why not start with your name?

Untitled: uuuhhh...I think it starts with a c...maybe Colton? Colin? Colton sounds right…

BiArsonist: I don't think I know a Colton

JakeyD: there was a Colton I met at summer camp a couple years back

JakeyD: but she changed her name to Cassie after she came out as trans

TheaterGeek: where are you from?

Untitled: somewhere in Pennsylvania, at least that's what the cemetery said

Boyf: wait, are you DEAD?!?

Untitled: yeah, yes, I remember dying

Reinds: what the actual f**k?

Boyf: so you're a ghost?

Untitled: I guess?

Neo: if you don't mind me asking...do you remember how you died?

Untitled: i'm not sure, but I remember choking? ...I think?

Neo: hmm, so drowning, drug overdose, food clogged in throat and nobody saved you in time...just some options

Untitled: i don't know

Boyf: well, my name's Jeremy

Reinds: I'm Michael

Neo: you may call me Sam

Untitled: Jeremy...Michael...those names are familiar

Trees: hey guys, what's going on?

InsanelyCool: I think they're talking to the undead

Trees: W-WHAT?!

InsanelyCool: Evan, calm down

Untitled: Evan?

Trees: y-yeah? That's my name…

Untitled: Evan...Evan...Evan Hansen?

InsanelyCool: what the f**k man?

Untitled: and...and Jared Kleinman

Reinds: this is getting creepy

Boyf: how do u know who they are?

Untitled: I remember now…

Untitled: Evan Hansen…

Trees: who...who are you and how do you know my name?

Untitled: heh...you should know, I mean, cuz apparently I was your “best friend”

Trees: ...Connor…

Untitled: bingo

InsanelyCool: holy s**t

Trees: are you...are you here for revenge?

Neo: *heere

Boyf: 😠

Reinds: Squippy, your making my baby boy upset

Neo: first off, it's “you're”

Neo: secondly, stfu

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Where stories live. Discover now