6: NYC pt. i

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“Welcome to wonderful New York City!” Christine cheered, filming the entrance to the city from the backseat window. “Say hi, everyone!”

She pointed the phone camera towards her friends. Michael was at the wheel with Jeremy next to him. Next to her was Jared and next to him with Evan. Squip was hanging out in Jeremy's head since there was no room for him.

“Christine, what are you doing?” Jeremy asked, looking back at her.

“I’m vlogging!” she cheered out. “Hope you don’t mind all of YouTube seeing this.”

“A-all of Y-YouTube?” Evan stammered.

“I dunno about all of YouTube,” Jared stated skeptically, “maybe a few people. Depends how popular you are on YouTube. Besides, you’ll be fine.”

“What time does it say we’re gonna reach the hotel?” Jeremy asked Michael.

‘Approximately 5 minutes, but because of traffic, it may take 15 to 20 minutes,’ Squip provided to Jeremy.

“The GPS says five minutes, but with this traffic, may take more like twenty minutes,” Michael informed him.

“Thanks,” Jeremy replied, and smiled to himself.

‘My pleasure, love,’ Squip winked.

“Hey, stop that,” Michael pouted.

“What’s he doing?” Jared asked confused.

“He’s talking to Sam and I can’t.”

Jared burst into laughter. “I can’t believe!”

“What’s so wrong with wanting to talk to my other boyfriend?” Michael growled.

‘Tell Michael that nothing’s wrong with wanting to talk to me and that I love him,’ Squip requested.

Why can’t you just say it out on the radio?

‘Because Christine is recording and I don’t want anyone to get suspicious,’ Squip told him.

“What?” Jeremy whispered to himself.

‘If the government or someone of high rank knew about me...something bad might, no, will happen...I just want you guys to be safe...if I lost any of you and knew it was my fault...I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself.’


“Jeremy? You good?” Michael glanced at his boyfriend.

“Y-yeah,” he nodded.


“Okay~~ So, here we are at the hotel,” Christine sang out and span around slowly to show off the room. “The show isn’t until tomorrow at one, but we’re spending a day in New York City! Right now, we’re getting settled in, but after that we’re gonna hit the city. Guys, where should we go to eat?”

“Definitely Planet Hollywood,” Jared replied. “Very expensive, but everything in NYC is expensive.”

“For dinner, we should definitely go to the Olive Garden in Times Square,” Jeremy commented.

“Yeah, I agree, I love Olive Garden,” Michael agreed.

“Alright, Planet Hollywood for lunch and Olive Garden for dinner,” Christine summed up.

“Also, Sam texted me and said he could meet us at Planet Hollywood,” Jeremy added.

“Okay, let's roll,” Michael hurried. “I'm hungry and I wanna see Sammy.”

Technical Difficulties (BMC/DEH Chatfic #3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin