Chapter Three

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                                                                             ~Harry Potter-LeFay~

The book detailed spells, abilities, and rituals, such as the ones to heal and ward the forest from intruders, and I noticed further in that it had a chapter devoted to the history of the previous forest lord. Born from a squib descendant of the LeFay line, he had been one of the last LeFay's in existence, and a pariah to his family because of his magic. He had run away, into a forest, and attempted suicide, but failed when the forest itself responded to his distress and healed him. 

I looked up at Forrester and questioned, "How old was Lord LeFay, Forrester?" Did I really want to know the answer to that? It hadn't stated his exact year of birth, but with the way his family had responded...It must have been a very long time ago. The LeFay line, from Morgana herself? That was unbelievable.

Forrester cleared his throat slightly and stated, "He was reaching his five hundred and thirtieth birthday, my Lord. He had been around for a very, very long time. He was here when the forest was young, it was he who was chosen by this forest. Now you have been chosen. It was no coincidence that Lord LeFay ended up right in front of you. The forest is not quite sentient, but it recognizes magic and people. That is how your friend, Hagrid, navigates the forest so easily. If he were younger than he is, he might have been the next Lord in your place, but with his lack of magical schooling, it wouldn't turn out well."

The man had been over five hundred years old?? How could someone live to be that long?? What had it been like when he was born?? Over five hundred  years ago?? 

I shook my head in disbelief before I tentatively asked, "How-how did he live that long?" Will I live that long?

Forrester smiled slightly and explained, "The forest sustains the Forest Lord for many years. The only reason Lord LeFay died was because he caught a disease-a rare disease that strikes at the old. The forest will also sustain you, my Lord, once you make a true connection to it."

"How do I do that, Forrester?"

"Well, my Lord, you need only step out into the forest and push your magic out. Have you learned how to do that yet?" At the shake of my head, he nodded and continued, "Can you feel your magical core? Your wand, when you got it, it glowed didn't it? Well, that space that you draw magic from, is your magical core. When you draw on it and push it outward without a specific spell or a wand, then it pushes out into the world. You'll need to do that to heal the forest."

I nodded, recognizing the place he spoke about, and stated, "Should I do that now or should I wait?" As if on cue, my stomach grumbled loudly, making me flush in embarrassment.

Forrester chuckled, "First, my Lord, perhaps we should feed you some breakfast."

Forrester showed me the house as we made our way to the the kitchens, and compared to where I had lived for most of my life, this place was a castle. However, Hogwarts was still quite a bit larger, but as it was only myself and Forrester living here, I didn't have to worry about it very much.
As we ate, I asked Forrester questions about my new abilities, and Lord LeFay and even the forest that I was now protecting.
"Unfortunately, my Lord, Hagrid released an Acromantula into the forest many years ago, and he and his mate have taken up residence in the eastern part of the forest, deep in the area behind Hagrids hut. I fear their many children may be part of the reason Lord LeFay had such a difficult time maintaining the forest. They have...More than can be counted and continue to produce."
Fear washed over me, more giant spiders than can be counted? Keep producing? I clenched my hand tighter around my fork and asked anxiously, "Is there a way to get them to leave without hurting them?"
Forrester shook his head, "I'm afraid not, my Lord. Lord LeFay tried and tried for many years but the spider still will not willingly leave."
I sat up straight and stated, "You said Hagrid let him loose. Is he still loyal to Hagrid?"
Forrester cocked his head to the side as he thought over my question before answering, "I believe so, my Lord. Why do you ask?"
Self-consciously I touched the growing horns on my head and stated, "What I am will come out eventually, especially since it's so early in term and I disappeared. I'm sure they're going to be searching for me. I wonder if perhaps I can convince Hagrid that the spiders need to be moved or they're going to die." I shook my head, "I'm only twelve, but I've always loved nature, ever since my aunt began having me weed and tend her garden. If I have to, I'll find a way to permanently get rid of those spiders. Perhaps I can ask Mr. Weasley-he works in the ministry and I'm sure they have a department for beast management."
Forrester nodded approvingly and stated, "I am sure you'll be able to convince them, my Lord. Are you done eating? I believe it is time to introduce you to the forest and her inhabitants. They are rather eager to meet you."

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