Chapter Two

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EYYY everybody! I am back!! With!!! Another!!!! CHAPTER!!!! And here I come to yeet it into the world with a tornado of FEELS man. 

Warnings: Manipulation, Non-consensual touching (nothing too intense this chapter calm down fahm), a small argument between Patton and Virgil 


"Hello, Patton." Patton smiled at the devilish twinkle in Matthew's eye like they'd just met and hadn't seen each other for a few days. Matthew reached out a hand. "Are you ready?"

"Where are we going?" Patton asked, taking his hand without fully answering the question. Matthew just smiled, turning toward the student parking lot. They walked side by side toward his car, and Patton felt himself get more and more curious. "Matthew, where are we going tonight?"

"It's a surprise," Matthew said, glancing over at him. "Is that alright?"

"Of course!" Patton said quickly. "I'm just curious!" Matthew smirked, leaning closer to Patton's hear. Patt felt his breath on his face and gasped slightly.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Matthew whispered, then stepped back and opened the door to his car. Patton giggled nervously, getting in. Matthew closed it, then walked around and got into the driver's seat.

"Meow," Patton said as he started the car. Matthew snorted.

"You aren't the cat, darling," he said. Patton laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, if I was the cat, I'd be dead by now!" he giggled, brushing hair out of his eyes. "Poor cat."

"I'm getting the feeling you like cats," Matthew said, glancing at him. Patton nodded.

"I love them! The only problem is that I'm a little a lot allergic to them..." he chuckled.

"Well, it's a good thing you aren't the cat then," Matthew said.

"But where are we going!" Patton couldn't help but ask, clasping his hands under his chin. Matthew chuckled.

"How about a guessing game?" he said. "If you get it right, I'll tell you the plans for tonight. If not, it'll be a surprise."

"Oh! Okay!" Patton jumped a bit in his seat. "Uhhh are we gonna eat something?"

"Yes." Matthew smiled a bit.

"Okay! Okay! Ummm..." Patton tapped his chin dramatically. "Is it a restaurant?"

"Not quite," Matthew said, smirking.

"Um, oh!" Patton gasped. "A movie theater! Are we going to a movie?" Matthew laughed, nodding.

"A movie, and then I thought we could go out dancing. You seem like a person who likes to dance." Patton flushed slightly.

"I... I'm not a very good dancer," he said softly.

"That's alright. I am," Matthew said confidently. Patton smiled.

"So what movie are we seeing?"

"That, my kitten," Matthew glanced at him with a smirk. "Will remain a surprise."

"Aw!" Patton pretended to pout, but felt a strange trembling in his stomach when Matthew called him 'kitten'. Did Matthew like him as much as Patton did? What if he did? What if they started dating? Patton grinned, watching Matthew out of the corner of his eye. This was going to be a good night.

Time Skip Brought To You By **Trans Rights**

"I'm not very good," Patton said again. Matthew chuckled, then grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the middle of the floor. Patton felt his face flame as Matthew pulled him close, a hand on his waist and the other holding Patton's up. Patton put his other hand on Matthew's shoulder, and Matthew pulled him up close against him. It was loud, and Patton could barely hear the music.

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