Chapter Five

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Hey guys! SOOOO Sorry it's taken so long to update. Luckily I'm feeling some inspiration for this fic right now, and I'll hopefully be able to get in a better schedule now that school has started!

So the first draft of this fic was really fast-paced, and I kind of wanted to slow it down a little, but then decided against it. (that's one reason updates have been taking forever) So I know the plot is moving pretty fast, but this was never intended to be a SUPER LONG story anyway, so sorry if that doesn't flip your flapjacks just right. 

WARNINGS: Manipulation, lying, controlling S.O., violence, abuse, crying, implied non-consensual sex, etc.

Get ready fahmalam it's a wild ride, this chapter. 

"Have any of you seen Patton recently?" Roman asked, walking up to Virgil and Logan in the library. Both shook their heads. He frowned, sitting heavily beside them. "I miss my padre! D'you think he's sick?"

"I think he's been with his boyfriend," Virgil muttered. "I'm telling you, that guy is bad news!"

"They started dating like... four weeks ago." Roman rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it's not that."


"Well, you don't know everything Roman!" Virgil snapped.


"You don't either, Jack Smellington!"

"Both of you!" Logan snapped his fingers between their faces and Roman blinked in surprise. "If you'd pay attention to me, I'd say I know where Patton is right now." Roman blinked in surprise, and Logan pointed. Over between two large bookshelves, they made out their friend's familiar face, framed by his large round glasses.

"Patton!" Roman grinned, hurrying over. Patton looked up in surprise, then grinned when he saw them.

"Oh, hey guys!" he said, putting the book he held back on the shelf and walking to meet them. Roman wrapped him in a big hug and Patton laughed, pushing away. He was dressed in a pair of his usual jeans, but with a large sweatshirt not unlike Virgil's, that covered his hands.

"Where've you been, padre?" Roman asked, folding his arms.

"Oh, you know. Here and there." Patton was obviously avoiding the question.

"We've missed you, Patt," Virgil said as he arrived. "If it's about what I said about Matthew, I'm sorry. I'm not wrong, but I'm sorry." Patton frowned.

"N-no! Of course, I'm not mad at you guys." he hugged himself, smiling. "I've just been focusing on school... and spending time with Matthew."


"Yeah!" Patton said, beaming happily. "He's actually here with me, but he went to the bathroom for a minute."

"You sure have been spending a lot of time with him," Logan said softly.

"W-well..." Patton shrugged. "I'd spend more time with you... I guess... but he doesn't-" he stopped talking and Roman frowned. Something was going on here. "I've just been busy." Patton finished, though it was obvious he'd been about to say something else.

"Patt, did he tell you not to hang out with us?" Virgil asked, eyes wide beneath his bangs.

"Why would he tell me something like that?" Patton asked, rolling his eyes.

"To control you!" Virgil snapped. "That's what people like him do! Haven't you heard any of the stories about him?"

"I don't listen to gossip," Patton said softly.

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