Chapter Three

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So uh. So. I got swept up in a new project and uh... forgot I was posting this here lol. Luckily I just got a notification from it and remembered this fic existed XD and I'm really sorry I've been keeping you guys in suspense so long! I'll try to get better at updating regularly lol. Sorry about that!

Warnings: arguing, minor manipulation, sympathetic Deceit

Here we go!

"You really need to lay off of him," Roman said to his friend as they walked toward the drama department. Virgil sighed.

"I don't have to do anything."

"You're being a jerk, Virgil!" Roman insisted. "Patton's happy, really happy. Can't you just-"

"No." Virgil stated firmly. "He gives me bad vibes. I've heard stories about him. I'll tell you guys what I'm thinking, you know that."

"You have no proof," Roman said. "From what we've seen, Matthew is a great person who cares about Patton. Isn't that enough?"

"You don't get it." Virgil shook his head.

"What don't I get?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You just... you just don't get it!" Virgil huffed, glaring at the floor.

"You two? Arguing?" Roman turned to see a cast member, Janus, there smirking. "Such an odd occurrence."

"Oh, shut up," Virgil mumbled unhappily. "You don't even know what we're talking about."

"Here to watch rehearsal again?" Janus jumped from the side of the stage where he'd been resting. "Can't get enough of me?"

"Anytime I see you it's enough," Virgil said sourly. "I can only handle two Romans at once, and I've chosen which one I'm friends with."

"Awe!" Roman laughed, hugging Virgil with one arm. Virgil rolled his eyes, pushing Roman away. Roman chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"Virgil just needs to give Patton some slack, that's all," he informed the other thespian. Virgil scowled.

"It's none of Janus's business, Ro!"

"Don't worry," Janus said. "I don't know Patton, so nothing you say about him will make it back there."

"It's not Patton I have a problem with," Virgil muttered as he walked to the back of the auditorium. Roman rolled his eyes, following Janus backstage to get ready for rehearsal. Virgil was always anxious about something, so until another thing came along it'd be harder than ever to get him to accept Matthew was fine.

Time Skip Brought To You By Logan's Jealousy! ;)

"Hey Logan!" Patton cheerfully sat next to his friend at the bus stop. Logan looked up from his book and smiled.

"Patton, how are you?" He slipped the bookmark into place and closed it, stretching.

"Great!" Patton had felt giddy for at least a week now, still unable to believe he actually had a boyfriend. "How was class?"

 Logan sighed.

"My peers are all idiots, in this one," he explained. "They don't seem to care that this is a place for learning instead of... goofing off. Some fun is fine, and I supposed helps some people learn, but not the way they act."

"Awe." Patton hugged Logan tightly for a few seconds. "I'm sorry! I know you were excited about astronomy."

"I still am," Logan adjusted his glasses. "But I am also irritated. I'll be alright. How was your class?"

"It was great!" Patton bounced happily on the bench. "Matthew's been helping me study, and I understand the subject way better now!"

"Ah," Logan smiled, adjusting his glasses awkwardly again. "Well, that's good. I'm glad he's able to help you."

"He's amazing!" Patton sighed dreamily, grinning somehow wider. "We really should all hang out sometime! Wouldn't that be fun?"

"I believe it would be," Logan chuckled. "If there's a time that works out well, I'd be happy to attend a get-together." Patton giggled.

"We'd just be hanging out, silly! No need to sound so formal!"

Logan shrugged and the bus pulled up to the curb, doors hissing open. They both stood, Patton's mind already elsewhere.

He and Matthew were planning on staying in and watching a movie tonight. They hadn't decided on one to watch, but they would once Patton got home. Everything had been happening so fast lately - but Patton didn't mind. It was nice, always having someone to talk to. Matthew was home a lot since he only had a few classes every week, and when he wasn't one of Patton's friends was always open to texting or hanging out. Usually, though, he would talk to Matthew.

Matthew was a great listener. That, and he'd taken all the general classes Patton was and was able to help him with the material like he'd told Logan. Sure, Matthew was obviously used to relationships happening faster in another area of their lives - but he didn't mind taking it slow in that area for Patton. Patton just wasn't sure if he wanted to go very far, he never had been. He did love Matthew, though.

"See you later!" Patton said cheerfully, getting off at his stop and waving to Logan. Logan smiled, nodding a farewell. Once the bus was gone, Patton hurried up to the dorm and entered, smiling brightly when Matthew saw him.

"There you are, kitten." Matthew wrapped him in a hug. "How was class?"

"It was great!" Patton said. "You helping me is making everything make more sense, thank you so much!" Matthew chuckled, kissing Patton's nose. Patton giggled. "How was work?"

"It was fine," Matthew shrugged. "My boss is an idiot, though."

"What did he do?"

"He's out to get me, actually." Matthew stepped back and ran a hand through his hair. "He keeps trying to get me fired - god knows why. But let's not talk about that, hm?"

"So what are we gonna watch tonight?" Patton asked to change the subject. "I'm open to whatever you wanna watch, really."

"I have a few CDs picked out," Matthew said as they walked toward the living room. "We have plenty of time to watch them and any you'd like, though."

Patton grinned. The idea of spending the rest of the afternoon and evening with Matthew watching movies made him want to squeal in delight - only he didn't want to in case he hurt Matthews ears again.

"Sounds perfect."

Sorry that one's kinda short! We get into the real obvious manipulation next time, so prepare yourselves for that! Also, in the coming chapters, there's gonna be references to a few mature subjects (like sex, emotional abuse, and physical abuse). I just wanna give you guys good heads up for that. ^-^

Thanks for reading!

I love you all,


Loved And LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora