1~ Happy Birthday Drew!

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Lou Ellen regretted enchanting the mirror for Drew's birthday more than she would have thought possible. It had only led to trouble, and she was sure that Drew would make her pay for it later. Now she was helplessly chasing Percy Jackson, whom she had only ever spoken to twice,  back to the campfire. He skidded to a halt beside a figure sat in the pavilion, and summoned a dome of water around the pair of them, which quickly solidified into thick ice, causing the fastest runners to smash straight into it. Lou Ellen only managed to stop in time to avoid joining the pile-up. She levitated to the top of the dome and perched on the ice, peering desperately in at Percy. Aphrodite knew how to cast a pretty powerful love spell. And the kiss marks? She had to learn how to do those.

Annabeth was in there with Percy. Of course. She wasn't looking at him though, too busy taking in the ice dome around her and the mob pounding on it. Her eyes were filled with fear.

Percy had slumped on the floor, relieved. When he was done panting he looked up at Annabeth, and began talking. Lou Ellen cast a quick spell to let her listen in.

"Annabeth, I'm so sorry. You were right, I should have paid attention to you... Annabeth?"

She didn't look at him. Ignored him. Lou Ellen was surprised - she hadn't had Annabeth down as the silent treatment type.

"I said I'm sorry! Look at me, Annabeth!"

After a few minutes of this, Lou Ellen was bored.

"Annabeth!" She yelled. The girl looked up.

"Lou Ellen! Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Well, your boyfriend is trying to apologise, for one. That's not something that happens very often."

Annabeth's gaze swept around the dome, passing straight over Percy as if he didn't exist.

"What? I don't have a boyfriend... Do I?"

Percy was staring at her, terror etched on his features. He stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. Annabeth leapt back like she'd been given an electric shock, and stared at Percy like she was seeing him for the first time. Like maybe she was.

"W- who are you?"


Yeah not really

At these words, many of the dedicated Percabeth fans from the Aphrodite cabin broke down into sobs.

"This is the worst birthday ever!" Drew wailed.

Lou Ellen noticed one girl - Valentina Diaz - slip away from the group, to the Aphrodite cabin. She returned shortly with Aphrodite, who only just seemed to realise how much damage she had done. She waved a hand, and Lou Ellen finally stopped craving Percy. Chiron stepped out from behind a rose bush. Clarisse stumbled into a corner and vomited. Annabeth blinked at Percy, who opened him arms for a happily-ever-after hug. Instead, she said:

"You're covered in kisses, seaweed brain."


Aphrodite refused to remove the lipstick marks from Percy's body, saying that each day one, and only one, would disappear, to ensure that he learnt his lesson. Percy began to protest, but stopped at a shake from Annabeth. The first kiss vanished from his cheek. Annabeth replaced it, and wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck.

Aphrodite was quite willing to leave Drew's face as it was, promising that that brand of make up would fade within a month, but after a lot of pleading on Drew's part, Aphrodite agreed to remove it as her birthday present, and summoned a bottle of magical make up remover for her.

I'd like to say they all lived happily ever after, but some of the naiads were truly devastated that they didn't get their kiss...

THE END (for real this time)

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