8 ~ Not your classic love story

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Drew Tanaka's POV

Hey! That was unnecessary.

Don't pretend you don't know what I mean.

I heard you groan.

 Look, I'm just a girl with a crush. Unrequited love. Usually in a story that gains all the sympathy, but noooooo, you take one look at my name and decide I'm evil.

I realise I was mean.

I know I was wrong.

I shouldn't have done it.

But I was desperate, okay? Surely you've had moments where you would be prepared to do the unthinkable. Something you knew you would regret later.

Yes, I'm talking about Percy.

Everyone in my cabin - hell, even my own Mother ships it! Half the world does. You do too. 

Just because I have a crush, because I'm jealous, it makes me evil.

Makes everyone hate me.

When family failed me, when friendship was down, I did what any true daughter of Aphrodite would do. I turned to love. 

At first, I was content to just watch him. His body, the way he moved, his rippling muscles. Imagination could only do so much, especially as he was never alone. Always with that Chase girl, kissing and cuddling and holding hands, oblivious of the pain they cause me.

I'm supposed to break boys' hearts! Not let them break mine! But I couldn't help myself. Mother refused to hear a word of it, so I turned to Hecate.

And she helped me, for a price.


A high-pitched shriek resounded around the camp, piercing through the sounds of clashing swords and stomping boots; hammer strikes and bursts of laughter; lapping waves and rustling leaves.

"Drew! Your hair!"

"What about it, darling?" the girl asked forcefully, turning around sharply.

Her sister looked intimidated, but still replied, "I-it's gone!"

"No! Really?" Drew rolled her eyes sarcastically as she swept to her area of the cabin. 

In the mirror, her bald head made her fine cheekbones stand out and her eyes look inhumanly large. The memory of obsidian locks cascading over her shoulders was enough to bring tears to Drew's eyes. No, she scolded herself, it will be worth it in the end

After all, she had not traded her princess curls to the goddess of magic for nothing.

Drew looked again at her too-large eyes, and fluttered her lashes flirtatiously. Once, she had thought that her eyes were the most beautiful on the planet, but then that McLean girl had showed up out of nowhere. Every time Drew saw those kaleidoscopic pupils, she had to resist the urge to scream and claw them out of that perfect face. Now, as she concentrated on her own eyes in the mirror, the dark brown slowly gave way to a swirling silver, which shifted to purple, which continued to swirl and fade from one colour to another as the glamour took hold.

Drew smiled victoriously, ignoring the whispers of her siblings behind her. Next, she concentrated on her head, and shiny black tresses began to slide smoothly out of her caramel scalp. She stopped when they reached her chin, and admired her new look. Her eyes shifted to gold with hints of amber, and she willed them to stay like that. To match, she imagined a beautiful opal pendant around her neck - and it appeared. She could even feel the weight of it against her throat. She examined her face again, and allowed her skin tone to alter slightly, becoming richer and filling out her lips, leaving no need for makeup. 

Finally, Drew smiled. She stood up from her bed and slipped into a shimmering golden dress that was probably Valentina's. It was too tight around her hips, so she simply made her hips smaller. She pouted at herself in the mirror one more time, and turned around to face the world.  

"Drew? What just-" 

"Nothing," the girl said, holding Mitchell's gaze. "Forget it."

Drew maintained eye contact, focusing until she was sure that the charmspeak had taken hold. She let her gaze travel around the cabin, reminding all of them of her power. Nobody else said a word.

Drew smirked, the sensation odd with her new, plumper lips, and waltzed out of the door.

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