11 ~ Frank stalks monsters and Annabeth's a queen

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(A/N: GUYS!!!! I have had my first ever piece of fan art (above^) . It's of Gary the pufferfish by ROFL_Copter66 . It is beautiful and I am going to frame it and put it on my wall. Thank you, and enjoy.)

After escaping the aquarium, Hazel and Annabeth bumped into Leo and an exhausted looking Piper, who practically begged them to stay with her. The girls agreed and chatted together as they followed Leo around the zoo.

Meanwhile, Frank and Jason were running away from the birds of pray area as fast as they could whilst surrounded by people. They ran right past the bat house, and only stopped for breath when they were sure that they weren't being followed.

Jason spotted an ice cream stall and was about to suggest that they go over and grab a choc ice when two dracaenae slithered towards them, conversing quietly.

He slid his hand into a pocket and pulled out a golden coin. A glance at Frank confirmed that the son of Mars had seen them too. The monsters came closer, closer... and then slithered right past them. Frowning at each other, the boys began to follow at a distance.

Leo and the girls stopped for lunch at a hotdog stand. Whilst they were eating, Percy emerged from the aquarium, smiling and soaking wet.
He caught sight of Hazel and Annabeth and headed over.
"Gary's very upset that you didn't say goodbye," Percy informed them.

Annabeth just gave him a Look. "Why, exactly, after you sopping wet?"
Percy looked down at himself as if he hadn't noticed his water-logged clothes. "Oh! The dolphins were excited to see me, and it would look weird if I stayed dry in front of everyone."

"Since when are you worried about looking weird?" Piper laughed. Percy pouted at her.

"That's mean. Are you going to buy me a hotdog to make up for it?"

"No way! You can pay for your own lunch."

"I wonder where Frank and Jason are."

Frank and Jason, in fact, were becoming increasingly panicked. The dracaenae seemed to be heading towards the reptile house, which was crowded with mortals. They had to stop them before it was too late.
The boys jogged to overtake the monsters, and stopped in front of them.

"Demigodsssss," The one on the left said. Neither of them made a move to attack - unusual behaviour for monsters faced with powerful demigods. Maybe these were just unusually smart monsters who didn't fancy dying today.
"Why are you here?" Jason demanded, "where are you going?"

"We hear our ssssissssterssss sssscream for help." The snake woman's eyes fixed on the reptile house behind the demigods. "Move asssside, demigodssss. Our fight issss not with you."

Jason frowned at Frank. "Is that snake for 'none of your business'?"
Frank opened his mouth to reply, but the second dracaena beat him to it.
"Yesss, it issss. Sssso move."

Before either of the demigods could speak, the dracaenae speed-slithered past them towards the reptile house. As soon as they regained their wits, the boys sprinted after them, but it was too late. The monsters had already disappeared through the curtain of plastic strips.

"So," Annabeth said, licking grease from her fingers and chucking her balled up napkin over her shoulder, "where have you guys been?"

The paper ball landed in the bin - five meters away - with perfect accuracy, earning a wolf whistle from the guy selling hotdogs. Annabeth didn't even bother to look over her shoulder to watch it go in.

"Erm...." Leo seemed at a loss for words (for once in his life), so Piper spoke up.

"I think the question is where haven't we been," She groaned. Percy, returning from buying his hotdog, laughed, but stopped when she didn't join in.

"Ooh!" Leo perked up. "We haven't been to the reptile house yet! Everyone finished? Great! Let's go!" And off he went, leaving all of them to trail after them, even Percy, who was grumbling that no, he had not finished.

Frank and Jason ducked through the curtain and scanned the crowd for the monsters. They looked past the Do Not Bang On The Glass signs, past the children banging on the glass, and immediately saw them. They had surrounded themselves with mortals, so the demigods couldn't attack. By the smirks they sent their way, the dracaenae knew it too.

Jason knew he needed to clear the reptile house, so he did the only thing he could think of and yelled as loudly as he could,
"Ahhhh!!!!! The poisonous viper has escaped!"

The shout spread, and panic grew as the mortals began stampeding out of the house, crowding around the doorways. When the building was clear, the boys advanced on the monsters. Jason flipped his coin into the air and caught his sword, and Frank unsheathed his throwing daggers.
"We want only to avenge our sssissstersss," the dracaena hissed. "For the disssressspect with which they are treated."

"If these reptiles weren't kept here, they would starve to death."

"Perhapsss death would be kinder."

"If you say so," Jason shrugged, and lunged. The first dracaena raised a sword and deflected his first attack, but a gust of wind sent her weapon flying across the room before she could strike at him. Frank threw a dagger, but she ducked and it impaled the wall. She pulled it out of the wall and sent it spinning back across the room, where the hilt hit Frank between the eyes. The macho Canadian baby man tumbled unconscious to the floor like a felled tree. Jason roared and the monster's eyes widened slightly as he decapitated her. Her body disintegrated into golden dust before her head hit the floor.

Jason looked around at the second snake woman, but she was already moving, slithering swiftly through the remains of her companion.The last thing Jason saw was her snarling face as she lifted a mallet - not a sword, not a club, an actual combat hammer like you get in anime, with a head bigger than his own, and brought it down on him.

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