14 ~ You're going to WHAT?!

38 3 2

They didn't do any more work on the Mist that night, but Lou Ellen still didn't get much sleep. She'd been nothing but grateful to be staying with Cecil's family, but tonight had been difficult. The television in the kitchen had been on over dinner, and the big news story was about a serial killer that had been caught. You'd think the killer would be the bad guy, but nooo...

"Thank you so much for helping me!" She'd said on the official police interview that was being played. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't caught me!"

"What do you mean?"

"It wasn't me, I didn't kill them!"

"We have incriminating footage of you, and your fingerprints match."

"No, you don't understand. I killed them, but it wasn't me!" The woman's face was blurred out, but Lou could see her glance from side to side, before whispering, "I was being controlled."

"What do you mean, controlled?"

"The demigods! I was just living my life, then this demigod grabs me and does something, and I'm not in control anymore! They made me do it! I'm so sorry!" She began to sob.

The recording had ended, and cut back to the live view of the person in the news studio.

"There you have it, everyone, mass murderer claims that she was actually being controlled by demigods. Next we'll move on to-"

Cecil's dad had turned off the TV. "I can't believe we're just letting these creatures run free! They ought to be locked up, where we're safe from them!"

"Honey, we talked about this..."

"I know, Sarah, but didn't you hear? There are two at Cecil's school! Who knows, there may even be more! Promise me boy, you stay away from them, okay?"

"Yes, dad," Cecil said distractedly, pretending to focus on his food.

"Hmm. And you, Lou Ellen. You're practically part of the family, I'd hate for something to happen to you. We'd be better off if all the demigods were dead..."

After a restless night full of dreams of mass murderers and cages, Lou Ellen felt pretty dishevelled in the morning. Classes blurred together, and at lunch she barely heard Ariyah call her over. The gossip was all about Nico and Will, and whether the rest of the group they were with were demigods too.

"I can't believe it - did you know I was in the class when it happened!" Mia said, wide eyed.

"Really? Tell us all about it!"

"Charlotte, you've already heard the story from ten different people!"

"Well, I want to hear it again!"

"Well, the teacher was being really mean about demigods, and Nico stood up to him! And then he walked through the wall, it was so cool! I wonder if he can do anything else?"

"Wait, so you're okay that he's a demigod? And Will?" Lou Ellen asked, surprised.

"Yeah, Will's a really nice guy. Being half-god just makes him cooler- I heard he can heal people!"

"Why, are you not okay with it? Because-" 

Suddenly there was a commotion, and Ariyah stopped speaking to Lou to see what was going on. It looked like Nico and Will had come into the cafeteria and were trying to make their way to their usual table, but a bunch of people had stood up to block their way, calling out to them.

"Excuse me!" Will said loudly, trying to push through.

"Oh, sorry, do you want to come through us? Just teleport, you little freaks!"

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