13 ~ Music and Monsters

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The first customer was an elderly lady, who bought a bag of peppermints. Then a man who wanted a pick n mix for his daughter's birthday.

By lunchtime, Percy was feeling a lot more positive. He even treated to himself to a handful of sweets from a jar.

The rest of the day went downhill from there. First, Percy spotted a familiar mop of red curls bouncing along the sidewalk. He ducked under the counter, praying that she wouldn't see him. Unfortunately, the fates weren't feeling particularly kind that day. The bell tinkled, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare walked into Percy's candy store. He stayed cowering under the desk, but she didn't go away. He had no choice. He stood up like he'd been grabbing something out of under the counter, and feigned surprise.

"Oh hey Rachel," he said.


"Uh, yeah. This is my mom's shop."

They stood there for a while.

"Well, this is awkward."

"Yeah. Um, do you want some candy?"

Rachel bought some gum and left.

In the silence that followed, Percy realised that there was no music. So he crossed his fingers that the monsters would stay away, and searched up 'candy store music' on the store computer. He pressed play on the first video, a compilation by an artist called Heathers. It started playing. About three lines in, the lyrics got dirty. Percy yelped and scrambled to turn it off, but he was distracted by the three dracaenae coming through the door.

"Oh hey ladies,"

'...🎵Welcome to my Candy Store🎶...'

"Here for some sweets?"

The monsters hissed and lunged at him.

"I guess not," Percy said, uncapping his trusty pen and swirling Riptide threateningly. He pointed at the sign by the door. "Sorry, but we do not tolerate rude or abusive customers," and he turned them into dust.

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