Getting Out Of Here

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Irene P.OV.
It's been six years and I'm still stuck here. I hate it. Strucker is mad. I have to thank him though, for letting me go to school. I graduated from the National University Of Sokovia at just 15, with a PhD in psychology, science, and technology. I have a Master's degree in English, German, French, Wakandan, The Arts, and Nursing. Thanks to years of neurological testing and fortunately painless experiments, I was one hell of a child prodigy. That's all I can thank him for. I otherwise hate him.

I hate a lot of things here. Strucker, the guards, the food, the cells, the screaming of victims down the hall.

I'm an en pointe ballerina. I love ballet with all my heart. It's my stress reliever, my happy place. Whenever I hear Strucker's latest experiment screaming down the hall, I'll lace on my pointe shoes and dance. There are only 3 people who have survived Strucker's madness. Myself and the Maximoff twins.

Of course, I have never really seen them before. But sometimes they probably hear me screaming. Six years and I'm still a work-in-progress science project. My first ability that came from the experiments was the power to control ice and snow. Next was telekinesis and telepathy. The Maximoff girl, Wanda has that too. My latest was invisibility. It's unusual. I have no idea how to use it and quite frankly, I'm scared to.

Luckily, my strength and flexibility were gained willingly. Thank god for exercise.

Currently, I was detained for aggressive behaviour. I punched one scientist, big deal. I was dancing in my cell with my pointe shoes slowly falling apart when the body of the most recent victim was carried past. I've seen so many dead bodies I've lost count. But this one was a child, not much older than 4. The sight was horrifying but all I could do was look away and kept dancing.

I landed a grandé jeté and as the blocks of my shoes struck the cold, hard floor, I heard Strucker talking. "So I was thinking, we take Irene for next week and this time we'll make her shapeshift. It will be difficult cause we'll have to reprogram her cells, veins, organs, everything, but since it's not me, I don't care." Oh hell no. I was not going through any more of that. I got changed into a t-shirt, some ripped cargo pants, and an old pair of Chucks.

I then picked up all my belongings; my pocket watch, ring, 6 books, my bag of dancing and gym gear, degrees, study notes, and a ripped cardigan. I left the hospital gown they gave me for when I went back on the table. No way that's coming with me.  I stuffed everything into my duffel bag since that thing seemed to belong to Mary Poppins. Then came the part I was dreading. I focused my mind on my surroundings and felt a shiver run down my spine. When I looked down, there was just flooring where my feet were supposed to be. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I was successfully invisible. Turning back, I thought long and hard about my (hurriedly formed) plan.

The next step was easily the hardest. Getting out. Thankfully luck was on my side. Out to my left was Mikhail, the youngest guard in the facility. He was around eighteen and very nice to me but only because he feared me. I tapped on the glass to grab his attention and gestured to the lock, smiling sweetly while throwing every prayer possible skywards. He looked around nervously before swiping his card through with a shaking hand. I stepped out but was stopped by his arm out in front of me.
"Tvoya sumka?" (Your bag?)
How the hell did I forget I'd literally be carrying around my escape bag. I sighed.

"Slushay, kogda ya skazhu idi, ty popytayesh'sya siloy zagnat' menya obratno v kameru. YA ukhozhu ot Mikhaila, no ne khochu, chtoby u tebya byli nepriyatnosti. Tak chto ya uydu, a ty podnimesh' trevogu i skazhesh', chto slyshal, kak ya poshel nalevo. I chto ya obmanul tebya svoimi sposobnostyami. Ponyat'?" (Listen, when I say go, you will try to force me back into the cell. I'm leaving Mikhail, but I don't want you to get in trouble. So I'll leave and you'll sound the alarm and say you heard me go left. And that I deceived you with my powers. Understand?)

He nodded with wide eyes and I apologised and thanked him for being kind to me. 
"A teper' pritvoris', chto boish'sya." (Now pretend you're afraid.)
He contorted his face into a look of fear that I'm not entirely sure was ingenuine. 
"Tri, dva, odin, vpered!" (Three, two, one, go!)
Mikhail shoved me and I felt that shiver run through as I pushed back. Invisible once again, I pivoted away from him and grabbed my bag. I whispered "the left" in his ear before running down the hall to his right. Sirens blared in my ears along with the yells of Mikhail.

"Ona sbezhala iz kletki! Ona sbezhala iz kletki! Ona ischezla! YA slyshal, kak ona poshla nalevo. Suka menya odurachila, leytenant! S yeye magiyey! Nalevo gospoda, nalevo!" (She escaped from the cell! She escaped from the cell! She disappeared! I heard her go to the left. The bitch fooled me, lieutenant! With her magic! Left gentlemen, left!)

The sound of running made me freeze before darting into a corner and pressing myself against the wall. A dozen armed guards ran past and I fought the urge to laugh. As if an MG3 and AK-15 would've stopped the Ice Queen. It was winter in Sokovia, I was in my element. 

The rest happened in a blur. I ran as if my life depended on it (it did), taking shortcuts and throwing myself through windows. Jumping through an opening in the energy shield seconds before it closed, I headed straight for the forest surrounding the base. I barely saw where I was going, too tired to pay attention. Once I knew I was deep enough into the woods and far away from the facility, my knees buckled and I let myself collapse, exhausted yet with enough adrenaline to wake the dead.

As I opened my eyes and came to my senses, I just about burst into tears of joy as I found myself surrounded by thick blankets of snow and not a scratch on me. A normal person would feel cold, but since I'm not a normal person, I felt very warm. It was wonderful. I set my bag down and started playing with the snow. Using my powers of course. I giggled, something I hadn't done in a long time, as I created a little cat out of snow.

It sped over to me and I bent down to pet it. As I continued to create, I started to sing.
"I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me!"
But my fun was cut short when a bullet was fired into the tree beside my head and any creations I had made fell to the ground as I jumped. Clutching my bag, I turned around and saw a young woman holding a pistol. However, when she saw my face she put the pistol in its holster and brought her hands to her mouth.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I thought you were one of the people I'm meant to kill."


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