Perhaps I Could Have A Family After All

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Irene P.O.V
As Nat led me to my room, I decided I would try my very, very best to look past Tony.
"Here we are. Your new room."
I gasped as I looked around. The room looked big enough to be the size of a small apartment. "Natasha I can't have this. I can't even be here. I'm too dangerous. I'm going to be living with Tony Stark, the man who killed my parents, and when he finds out who I am that's going to be way too much on his shoulders."

My accent was growing so strong it was almost impossible to make out what I was saying. But she understood.
"Listen. You are not going anywhere. I don't know what happened when you were younger but you are not dangerous and Tony will be fine. So first you are going to get changed out of that top, pants and those shoes and into something warmer. And if you need me I'm just two doors down. Or you can ask JARVIS for anything. He's the artificial intelligence throughout the tower. So think Siri, but more advanced. Okay?"

I nodded. She gave me a hug and closed the door behind her. I smiled. Fifteen minutes and she was already turning into the mother I never got to have again.
"Um, JARVIS?" I asked timidly.
"Yes ma'am?" A British robot answered.
"Where is the wardrobe?"

Natasha P.O.V
I smiled as I walked back to the group. Fifteen minutes and she was already turning into the daughter I was never allowed to have. I made a vow to protect her as best as I could. She was so fragile and closed off. I knew it would take someone special to break through to her.

Irene P.O.V
I had been searching the walls of clothing for 15 minutes and I still couldn't find anything to wear.
"JARVIS, I'm stuck."
"Perhaps the cream long sleeve with the magenta mini skirt and stockings could look quite nice?"
I was surprised. As I looked at the outfit I was shocked to discover JARVIS was right. Who knew a robot had fashion sense?


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