Tony You Little Sh*t

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Irene P.O.V
"It's a trick! Whoever be worthy shall hav'eth the power! Whatever man it's a trick!"
We were all enjoying the after-party at the tower.
"Well then bird, why don't you have a go?"
My Sokovian accent rang loud and clear as I dared Clint to pick the hammer up. Everyone laughed and encouraged him.
"Go on Clint, you've had a tough week, so we won't hold it against you if you can't pick it up."

"You know I've seen this before right?"
He went over and grasped the hammer and pulled. It didn't budge. "I still don't know how you do it!" Tony snickered.
"Smell the silent judgment?"
"Please, Stark, by all means."
I bit back a laugh. Tony got up.
"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge."
I rolled my eyes.
"Ty chuvstvuyesh' zapakh ego?" (Can you smell the ego?) I muttered.
"It's physics," Tony said.
"Right so if I lift it, I rule Asgard?"

"Yes of course" Thor stated.
"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta."
He attempted to lift the hammer, failing miserably.
"I'll be right back."
He returned with the hand from his Iron Man suit. He put it on and pulled. Mjolnir still didn't move. Rhodey joined with his hand from his War Machine suit.

"Are you even pulling?"
"Are you on my team?"
"Just represent and pull!"
I was practically dying of laughter by now.
Bruce had a go and pretended to turn into the Hulk, making Nat and I giggle.
"Hey, popsicle! Wanna have a go?"
I called to Steve and was surprised when he got up.
He tightly grasped the handle and pulled... and it moved. Only slightly, but it still moved. Thor looked horrified. Steve let go, let out a laugh and shook his head.
"Widow?" He asked.
I looked at Nat and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no. That's not a question I need answered."
I smirked, knowing full well she could probably lift it.
"Tiny?" Bruce asked.
I thought for a minute, shrugged, and got up. I got hold of Mjolnir and pulled and I almost dropped it out of shock as I pulled it just inches off the table. Natasha fist-bumped me.
"Yes! I knew you could do it!"

I placed Mjolnir on the table and sat down, still freaking out.
"I think the literal translation is; whoever be holding Thor's fingerprints can lift the hammer," Tony explained, (or tried to).
"I have another theory."
Thor stood up and tossed Mjolnir into the air and caught it as if it were a piece of plastic.
"Except for Lady Irene, you're all not worthy."
A piercing siren rang out, followed by a voice.
"How could any of you be worthy? You're all killers."

I was currently battling a robot, continuing to refrain from using my powers when Ultron himself came over to me. A lengthy knife was plunged into my side, impaling me. (a/n that escalated quickly.) Apparently kicking his minions asses lands you on his bad side. I gasped, the pain was tremendous.
"Ultron." I gasped.
I looked down and sobbed. But as I raised my head, the sobs turned into a cackle.
"Ah. Ultron, you son of a bitch."

I smiled maniacally. I created three long and jagged swords of ice and plunged them into Ultron, destroying him.
"I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me!" Ultron sang.
"Right, well I'm never singing that song again," I said to Natasha.
I looked down and remembered the knife in my abdomen.
"I am glad this dress isn't a rental." I chuckled.

Tony came and picked me up and carried me to the lab, Nat and Bruce on his heels.
"Kid how are you still conscious? How could you create those swords? Why are you more worried about your dress than yourself!"
Bruce fired questions at me.
"One thing at a time greenie. One thing at a time."

As I lay down on the table, I brought my hand to my wound and used my ice powers to create a coating over the wound to stop the bleeding on both sides.
"One, I had a rough upbringing. Two, I have ice powers. Three, I've had worse and I really like this dress."
I answered the questions.
"Now my turn. Tony you little shit!"


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