Well I'm Screwed

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Irene P.O.V
I was waiting in the Quinjet with Bruce, with a t-shirt, leggings, and fuzzy coat, barefoot. My temperature needed to be kept even otherwise I lost control of my powers.  All of a sudden, Bruce and I spotted Wanda and Pietro Maximoff glaring at us from across the field.

I could just make out what Wanda was saying.
"I want the big one."
I started backing up.
"Bruce. Run."
He took off and I took the chance to fight off the twins. I created 3 large lionesses out of snow and sent them toward the twins. I noticed Pietro staring at me. When Wanda destroyed my lioness, I took a different approach. I got inside her head.

I made her vision blurry, not wanting to hurt her. But before I could do anything else, I was pressed up against the outside wall of the jet. Pietro had his hand around my neck and held me there.
"What did you do to her?"
I pretended I couldn't speak because I was being choked, and when he released his hand, I took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach. Not that it did much.
"I only made her vision blurred. No physical or mental harm was done. Unless she walks into a tree."

The twins stared at me. Pietro spoke up.
"You are Sokovian net?" (no?)
I smirked.
"Well spotted."
This time Wanda spoke up.
"You are Enhanced? Like us?"
 "Otlichno." (Very good).
"Come and join us. You don't know what the Avengers have done, what they can do. Ultron can show you the right way."
My face dropped.

"You're delusional. You don't know what I've done, what I can do. I'm like you, but unlike you, I can tell my good from my bad and my right from my left."
And as I finished my sentence, a whistle sounded to their left and 4 panthers dropped out of the trees on their right, this time made of ice. Unfortunately, it took only minutes for the twins to destroy them.
"...Well I'm screwed."


"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Maria Hill announced once everyone was back on the Quinjet.
"Stark Relief Foundation?"
"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's.... we took a hit. Irene almost died trying to give Banner time to get away from the twins. And she didn't use her abilities. It was hand combat vs the Enhanced. She's gonna need medical attention."

Well, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here."
"So run and hide?"
"Until we find Ultron, I don't have a lot to offer."
"Neither do we."
Tony ended the call with Maria.
"Do you want to switch out?"
"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out." Clint answered from the pilot seat.

I looked up.
"A few hours from where?"
"A safe house."


"What is this place?" Thor asked as we exited the Jet.
"A safe house?"
Tony sounded incredibly unsure of himself.
Barton sighed. "Let's hope."
We entered the beautiful old farmhouse. I was being supported by Clint and Tony, while Nat was leaning against Bruce. My shoulder was in a sling, probably dislocated. My knee had a brace on it, definitely dislocated.

I had several small cuts on my face and a large bruise forming on my stomach. My stab wound had been slightly reopened. I was a wreck.
"Honey I'm home!"
A heavily pregnant woman, who I assumed was Clint's wife came into the kitchen.
"Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."
Tony looked confused.
"This is.. an agent of some kind."

"Gentlemen, Irene, this is Laura."
"I know all of your names." Laura smiled gently.
I heard pounding on the floor and smiled as a young boy and girl ran into the kitchen.
"Ooh, incoming!" I called.
"Those are...smaller agents," Tony said, finally coming to a realization.
I grabbed a rolled-up newspaper and whacked him around the head, with my good arm. Steve looked rather confused. I leaned over.
"Yeah Steve, they "fondued." 
He looked extremely embarrassed.
"How did you find out about that?"
I winked.
"I have my sources."

The little girl came up to her father and asked, "did you bring Auntie Nat?"
"Why don't you hug her and find out?"
I laughed. I never realized she was so good with little kids.
Steve, being the polite, old, gentleman he is, apologized.
"Sorry for barging in on you."
"Yeah we would have called ahead but we were too busy having no idea that you existed."
Tony scolded Clint and I once again whacked him around the head with the newspaper.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this place up when I joined. He kept it off S.H.E.I.L.D's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low."
I nodded, getting it.
Natasha walked over to Laura.
"How's little Natasha?"
Laura looked sorry, "she's... Nathanial."
I watched as Nat bent down to Laura's stomach.
I laughed. Laura looked up at me.

"Hi! Clint's told me so much about you! No offence but you look awful! Let me help you get washed up. I'll find something to clean your cuts with as well. I should have a bunch of medical kits around because we live on a farm and Clint has no idea what the definition of safety is."
I smiled.

She helped me up the stairs, making sure I was okay. She showed me where the bathroom was and said I can take a bath for as long as I like. I thanked her. As I submerged myself in the hot water, I couldn't stop thinking about the twins. Wanda seemed very confused but determined. She had her mind set on what she wanted to do and would do anything to do it. In other words, ambitious.

And Pietro, well, he was a different story. He was very protective of Wanda, so I'm assuming he was older. He seemed equally confused, but not as ambitious. It was strange. I remembered him staring at me as I made my snow lioness. I remembered me thinking he was attractive at the Avengers' first encounter with him. God, I wish I looked into his head.


Smiling Silver-A Pietro Maximoff Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now