Ep 55

621 45 36

PoV: 3rd Person

  The Freedom Fighters army was held at gun point. Their freedom in jepordy as Lilith debated killing them, or enslaving them.

"08," Blair stood up, temporarily claiming her position as 06, "This is an order to stand down and release the city!" She announced, "It had no purpose in our mission."

"06, you're a traitor to the Daimond London and the Numbers. And my orders, they come directly from 02," Lilith relished in her victory against a higher number, knowing she had power from 02.

"No..." Blair backed down, orders from 02 were inevitable.

"02? Can't 01 over rule them?" Sally asked.

"No, 01 has been missing for years," Blair explained, "Only 02 knew what she was like, and she never disobeyed an order from her. Without 01, 02 is in charge. She has the highest power."

"This is bad, we can't defend against these guys for long," Sally watched as her army began to fall.

"Chaos Control!" Shadows attempts at Chaos control failed by a barrier Lilith created, "There's no escaping from here."

"You have a choice," Lilith boomed over her captured enemies, "Lay down your weapons and work as my slaves, or fight till your last breath. You have one minute to decide."

  What do we do? Were the thoughts on almost everyone's minds, Do we fight? Or do we work?
PoV: Sonic 

  Don't look under the bed. Don't look under the bed. I ignored the pain in my side from being curled up. I needed to keep them from noticing me.

"S, why are you hiding?" I heard 57's voice.

"You know, we both got upgrades to play with you," 49 added on.


"Ah!" I jumped, hitting my head on the metal bedbase above me.

"Found you," 57 extended her arm and grabbed me, dragging me closer despite me fighting back, "You're cuter than before."

"Let go!" I growled, attempting to twist out of her grip.

"Hold still," 49 held up an open collar, slowly she moved it closer and closer towards my neck.

"No! NO!"
PoV: 3rd Person 

"Thirty seconds."

  The computer avoided the seconds as they went by. The group was split. Many gave in and became slaves. Others fought until they were immobilized and dying or dead. Some attempted to escape, they were caught and locked into cages for torment in their future.

"20 seconds. 19. 18. 17."

"Lilith," 49 called her mistress, "We're ready for transport."

"Excellent," Lilith grinned,"Reveal the emeralds."

  A box was shoot into the middle of the freedom fighters. It hissed as the locks were released. All seven Emeralds were held up in full view.

"07!" Lilith announced, "Claim what is yours."

"07?" Blair watched the emeralds, "They're here?!"

"What are you talking about?" Sally asked.

"07 was hidden amongst the mobians. I never expected them to be a freedom fighter," Blair explained.

"My lady," 49, 57, and Sonic appeared in the transport. A collar around the hedgehogs neck; just as the old one did, this one monitored his movements, vitals, and thoughts, "We've brought S home."

"Don't call me that," Sonic growled, his arms pinned behind him by 57.

"S, I hope you enjoyed the vacation. The ribbons will punish you for a week for your disloyalty. And 02 will hand your punishment for killing 05," she lifted Sonic in her fist. Licking her lips as she witnessed the fear in his eyes.

"Sonic..." Shadow stood in disbelief as he say Sonic at Lilith's side once more, "They grabbed him..."

"No, no no no!" Tails cried, "Sonic. Don't go back with them."

  Sonic was shown the massacre of freedom fighters and innocent citizens below. Horror blinded his eyes of any good. He was show friends and accuantences who were now dead or being chained as slaves. Prisoners screaming to me released and attacked the barred cages.

"Let them go," Sonic cried, "You have me. Let them go!"

"We can't do that until we get 07," Lilith replied, "But, if you're loyal to me, I'll spare Red for you. You can use him anytime you want."

"..." Sonic looked down at his friends, slowly being cornered as the army tightened the circle, "Let me go get him, M... Mama."

"Calling me Mama won't help you," she replied.

  Sonic stood in her hand, terrified he went on.

"Mama if you let me get him, I'll let you robotozie me again. You can replace my memories, and I won't try to escape. You can use the ribbons on me too. I won't fight anymore. I'll even stop fighting 57."

"That's a large promise."

"I know... but it'll be worth it," Sonic begged within his mind that she would agree. He never this was a huge risk, but he was willing to take in.

"Be quick," Lilith placed Sonic in the center of the chaos, besides the emeralds.

  In her mind, and plan Sonic had was insignificant to her own tactics. 04 had done all the calculations for her for every possible outcome, and Lilith prepared for them all.

"Sonic!" Shadow ran up to his lover and embrassed him. Holding him close, "No," Shadow froze when he saw the collar around Sonic's neck, "We're gonna get this off you and were getting you out of here. I just need to grab a chaos emerald and get us out if here."

"Don't, I'll handle it," Sonic kissed his ebony mate, "Could you just help me up here?" Sonic pointed to the chaos emeralds.

"So that's you plan," Shadow smirked, "Need any help from me and Silver?"

"No, this is my fight. I'll come get you if I need you. Deal?" Sonic asked, the chaos emeralds breaking from the wires that held them as they began to rotate about their user.

"Deal," Shadow released the hand of his lover and went to find Silver, "Silver! We're on stand by!"

"We're gonna die!"

"Not with this plan."

"Lilith!" Sonic shouted, "I don't obey anyone!"

  A flash of light blinded the invader. The hand of a once blue, now golden, hedgehog tore the collar from his neck in a single, swift, movement. The sensor on Lilith's computer flashed a positive sign.

  Lilith's ship's speakers activated, sensing the new energy surge coming from Sonic's super form.

"07. Located."


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