-Chapter 3-

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To be honest, I thought no one would read my story. But I got reads on both chapters and I'm really happy! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Britian's POV

I could see what's happening. I can still feel that I'm touching, smell what I'm smelling, taste what I'm tasting. I just couldn't move my body. Willingly, that is. A puppet on strings, someone might say. I can see America and Russia, and that I was in America's house. I knew I wouldn't see Russia for long.

"What's with all the staring...?" I said. Or did I? I didn't want to say it, the words where forced out of my mouth. Russia looked like he knew, but didn't at the same time. America just couldn't recall, as seen from his look of confusion. "What's wrong with your eyes?" He asked. "What do you mean?" My body replied. As I'm not doing it, my body is. Or, Sour is. He's controlling my actions after all. "There... Swirled?" America said, his words dipped in confusion. "Really? Huh, I donno." Sour said, his voice convincing, it didn't sound like he was lieing. "Hm... Eh, I'm sure it's nothing!" America said with a smile. I felt bad for him, so care free and easy going.

Russia was another story. "I'm not sure. His eyes were perfectly fine before." He said, looking at America. "Guys, guys. I'm fine, see?" Sour said, standing up. God I'm not used to that. Russia narrowed his eyes a bit. America smiled. "Come on. Let's go eat something, I'm straving." Sour said. America nodded. Russia just shrugged.

~time skip~

We sat down in the cafe, America next to me and Russia across from me. Russia seemed less sceptical now. The waitdress comes up to us, Russia gets water, America gets coke, and sour gets tea. One of the only things we share is our taste in food.

"Soooo... How's France?" America asks me. "France? Um... She's good." Sour replies. I married France a year ago. She's a great wife. Russia looks at England. "So... What where you doing on Main Street anyways?" He asked. I could feel that sour wanted me to tell him. So I did. "Oh, I just wanted to try the tea at the cafe that they just opened up!" Sour replies. Russia pauses. "Ooooh..." He says. America and sour where confused. "They probably gave you some crappy version of that weird tea... Clam tea...?" He says. "Chamomile tea?" Sour says, using my knowledge. "Yeah, that" Russia replies. America nods. We soon get our drinks. They ask for our orders. Russia gets some Russian dessert, america gets a cupcake. "Can I get an organge fool?" Sour says. Everyone pauses in confusion. I haven't heard that dessert in a while.

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