-Chapter 4-

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Britian's POV

Everyone looked at me... Er, us... Like we where crazy. We returned the confused look, but it was sudden. "Huh? What?" Sour said. I tell him this treat, although so good, has stopped selling. I tell him just to get a shortcake. "Oh, uh.... A shortcake please." Sour said awkardly. The waitress awkardly nodded and walked away.

"Dad? Are you ok?" America ask, obviously concerned. "Yeah I... Don't know what just happened." Sour replied. "Are you sure your ok?" Russia asked. "Yes, I'm fine. I was justed zoned out." Sour insisted. "How could zoning out make you order that?" Russia asked. Sour couldn't think of anything better to do then shrug. "Um... Must of traveled to far down the rabbit hole, right dad?" America said, noticing how Russia's suspicions came back. "Yeah. That." Sour said.

Now I've realized that I've never actually told you guys who sour is. His name used to be sour tart, but I just started calling him sour and it sticked. He even said he liked it better. He calls me sweet, because, you know, sweet and sour? Clever right? Oh, yeah. I do know you guys are there. I'm not stupid. Not that stupid anyways. Sour appeared in my head during world war 1. I just couldn't handle the stress of the war. So in 1914, sometime in late October, he appeared, and took me over. It was really strange, and I was overly friendly. After world war 1, he countined to control me. He did stuff that I reget dearly. He then let me have control for a year or 2. Which is a decade or 2 in your time. Que world war 2. Sour gripped control again. There was this one night. It's so clear to me, yet so foggy too. I remember the beginning of the night. I was on the battlefield, in what I though was a safe hiding spot. I was corrected when someone grabbed me. I didn't scream because sour though it was unnecessary. Instead he hit them, an looked at them. The red with the white circle, and the black lines inside. They kicked me in the stomach, and I winced as we where grabbed and dragged away.

I was brought to the basement of some house. Although the basement looked like it was some sort of lab. This is where my memory got foggy. At some point, they put me threw so much pain that sour switched. I aoutmaticly started crying. I'm not really sure what happened after, but they rewired sour in a way to make him almost compeletely loyal towards him, and loyal to Soviet too. He also made him harsher, and a general asshole, just like him. I passed out in the mist of it. I still have no idea why or how to this day, but when I woke up, I was in my hiding spot. I was in control though. Sour's behavior was off. I noticed right away. Whenever I saw Soviet or... Him, I would aoutmaticly switch control. I guess that's never changed. Due to this I almost killed my own son. After the war I didn't go outside for a week. I was scared I would hurt someone...

But all that did was hurt myself.

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