-Chapter 10-

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Germany=left America=right

"What is it?"

"Well, I was hoping
we could change the
time of our double

"Sure, to when?"

"Half hour? Sorry,
I know it's sudden,
but I don't have the
the later."

"Um... Yeah,
I guess so"

"Thanks a bunch!

Britian's POV

That was painful to watch. Also, listen to this. Sour and spice don't do anything nice. Sugar and Sweet are way more up beat. I made it up myself. Cute right? Anyways, Spice and Sour nodded, head over to the meeting point. Sour was hiding in an ally way with rope. Spice waited for them infront of said allyway, and kept his shades on.

Germany and Italy soon arrived. Itlay was hugging Germany's arm. It was so cute. They went infront of spice. "Hey ame. How's it going?" Germany asked. "Never been better!" Spice replied. "Where's Russia?" Itlay asked. "Oh, right. Oh Russia!~" Spice called out. Sour popped out, throwing spice a rope. Sour tied up Germany while Spice tied up Itlay. Germany didn't go down without a fight though. He screamed, and kicked Sour. They had to gag him. Italy, being the coward he was, just let Spice tie them up.

We drag them down a few ally ways, the same ones Soviet took. We got to the abandon house thing, and saw Soviet waiting outside. "Oh, here's my little puppets... You've got Germany and Italy I see. Quite the catch. Hand them over." Soviet says. Sour and Spice gives Soviet Germany and Italy. They follow him inside and down into the lab. He puts Italy down knowing he wouldn't try anything. He puts Germany in the chair and ties him down. He pulls the gag out of his mouth.

"The hell!? Why am I here!? America, England what the hell!?" He screamed. Soviet just giggled. "Why don't you two give him a little reminder, would you?" Soviet said, looking at them. "Im sour," he started. "I'm spice," he also started. "We are helpers and puppets of Soviet." They finish together.

"What...?" He paused. "Wait- no, why?! I reget making this tech, and I reget messing with Brit in the first place!" Germany said to Soviet. "Oh really now..." Soviet reached his hand out. "Don't you dare touch me!" Germany screamed. Soviet rested his hand on his neck. "Wait no, please no, don't ple-" his cold finger drew a line down Germany's neck. It's been a while since I've seen that German idiot.

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