-Chapter 8-

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America's POV

Gosh, if soviet says a little I know it's going to be alot. He pressed one last button. At first, nothing. 2 seconds later, a large shock of pain flowed threw my body, but mostly hurt my head. Then another. And another. I shortly blacked out.

Darkness. All I can see is darkness. There's a command prompt infront of me. Looks like its getting filled slowly. Although I can't read it. Perfect English. I just can't read it. I don't know what's happening.

England's POV

Did... Did I just do that..? I'm worried sick. I can't move. I can't help. I'm just a helpless puppet, and Soviet is the puppetmaster. I just helped him make another puppet. My own son.

He's out cold now. Atleast he can't feel the pain anymore. Soviet smiles and pats my head. "Good job my puppet." He said. "Anything for you, boss." He blandly responded. Anything. I said anything. Also, about that search. I saw. Apparently Soviet found the lab. He took me to it, saying he could help me. Get sour out of my head. Of course I wanted it. He lied. He just took out Nazi and made sour compeletely loyal to him. He made Sour want to get Soviet out and then become his puppet.

I hope someone notice we are gone soon. It's our only way to get out of here. Probably Canada? Maybe America had to meet someone soon? I hope so. I don't want to stay like this. Sour is so much stronger then me. I can't fight him. Soviet went over to the machine, mumbling stuff in Russian. I just stood there. Beggging, pleading to the gods to send someone to help in my mind. Now that I come to think of it, sour can hear me. He's too brainwash to noticed what I'm saying, though. That's what I'm assuming anyways. I just... Please. Help me.

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