-chapter 11-

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Britian's POV

I stare at Reich. I hated him. But, like I have been most of this, I can't control my body. Soviet just smiles at the sight. "Ugh... Vhat is it?" The old german country said, glancing around. "Vhat is it zou stupid communist?" He said staring at Soviet. "Oh, you know... Just creating new puppets... Can you guess who's next?~" Soviet said. It creeped me out. "Zefinitely not me." Nazi said and Soviet giggled. "Ah, but it is." Soviet said, he was at his machine, about to hit start. Nazi just sighs. "Beaten vy my own machinze..." He mumbles before Soviet hits the button. Itlay whinces and turns away. Nazi grips the chair tightly but refuses to scream. Tough guy. He doesnt pass out, just enters a dazed state when the shocks stop happening. His eyes were faded. Dulled. He was limp too, now that I think of it, he probably just passed out with his eyes open, if that's even possible. His pupils started to change shape. It was slowly, but it only took a half minute. His pupils where... Hearts? Why hearts? Does Soviet- oh god no. That's....no. Itlay is thinking the same thing, from the look he's wearing. It had a thousand emotions on it, but the most distinctive ones where disgust and sadness. I think the sadness is from their relationship that's about to be broken.

Soviet unites Nazi, just in time for him to... Wake up, I guess. Nazi looked at Soviet, then smiled. "Hello, third." Soviet said. Nazi stood up, and Soviet grabbed him by the collar of his neck. "Hello, liebling~" Nazi said, Italy looked away. I wouldn't blame him. Because the next thing I saw was horrifing. God, that was discusting. Oh, the reason Italy is treating him like Germany is because he technically is Germany. God, I'm still distracted by them putting there lips together. I wish I could look away. They finally pulled away, and stare into eachothers eyes. "You'll be a very good puppet~" Soviet said, and then smiled. Nazi just nodded. I'm internally screaming. What is this!? Hot garbage!?

Ahem, anyways. I just... This is weird. Real weird. What is Soviet even gonna do with us? Soviet glances over at Sour and Spice. "You 2. Get out of here. I want some... Alone time with Third right now." Soviet said. Sour and Spice get out of the basement and left the house. They both just look at eachother. "My house?" "Your house." And so they walked to America's house.

When they got to America's house, I politely ask if I could, you know, have my body back. Sour asks spice, and Spice said, "well, our job is done. We should." And so I got by body back. Not without passing out, but hey. Atleast I have control.

~Time skip 10 min~

Finally, we wake up. I have a huge head ache, and it looks like America does too. We were left on the floor by them. Gee, thanks sour. You're welcome! I was being sarcastic! Ahem, anyways. I get up and helped America up too. "What did we witness?" Amercia asked. "Satan kissing a devil." I replied. America shivers thinking about it. "Hey, I'm really sorry for pulling you into this mess..." I say. I was the one who called him afterall. "I... It's okay. I know it wasn't you. I shouldn't have been so stupid." America replied. "But, you're not stupid. I should have dealt with it on my own, and now... I've cause something horrible to happen. If we try to go save Italy we'll just be taken over again. I can't believe I'm saying this but... We have to get someone else involved."


Hey- I'm realllyyyyyy sorry for not updating in a while. Lime has been a little rocky lately. I will update when I can, and I hope it's sometime this week. Bye tea lovers!

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