Being Evil Has A Price.

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The following morning, I woke up to see Birdie in my lap clutching her blankie and the bear. Sucking her thumb. I was overwhelmed with all kinds of adorable. I then looked to Brie who was smiling at the picture before her. "I didn't do anything, I swear. I just fell asleep here in the chair and just woke up and bam Birdie was in my lap."
"I know. She opened the door and found you as you said, asleep watching over me and just climbed onto your lap and fell asleep. She's never done that really with Bryan. But to see her do that with you. Is kind of heartwarming. Plus it gives me a look as to what can happen if things don't pan out with Bryan soon."
"Your not saying?" She nodded.
"I think Biridie would love her uncle as a 'father' figure. I mean. Come on, Dan. You and I and Nicole all talked about families and how fun it would be to have families of our own."
"Yeah. Then you got married, had Birdie within a year of being married. Nicole had challenges with the sack of crap with legs Cena for close to two or three years or more. I just relegated myself to the duty as the stress ball or sounding board for the WWE's beauties." Brie smiled as she got up and as did I while making sure to hold Birdie in place. When I stood up, Brie walked up to me, took Birdie in her arms and before she walked away, she kissed my right cheek.
"Thank you, Daniel. For always being the guy I knew you were. A gentleman, a sweetheart, and an absolute joy to be around." She smiled as she walked away and I got changed and headed downstairs to cook breakfast for me, Brianna, and Nicole. I made an extra special batch of orange julius for Birdie.
Once all the food was prepared. I just cooked myself toast, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. Then Nicole came downstairs as I was just sitting down. "Morning, Daniel."
"Nicole. Sleep well?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. "You?",
"Yeah. Kept watch over Brie for most of the night. Fell asleep and woke up with Birdie sleeping in my lap."
"Ahh, that must have been adorable."
"Ohh, it was." Brie said coming down the stairs with Birdie in her arms.
"So, not to change subjects, and to address the overly sized elephant in the room. What are you going to do about Bryan, Brie?" I asked.
Brie and Birdie went to the island in the middle of the kitchen and got a plateful of food and sat down on the other side next to Nikki. "I've had enough of his attitude. Ever since that night when I called you he's been overly paranoid when it comes to whether or not to trust me or not. And when he became the WWE Heavyweight Champion. I understood that he'd be gone a lot, I just didn't think he'd get drunk enough to yell at me. Or threaten to hurt our daughter. Or me. When Nikki called you last night. I nearly yelled at her for doing so. But. Now, I see why she did. So to answer your question. I'm going to file for divorce and for sole custody of Birdie." Birdie smiled as she tasted the special orange julius which I added a little piece of bannana and orange with it. "And I'm doing that today."
I smiled as I ate my breakfast and watched little Birdie enjoy my concoction of an orange julius.
Nikki smiled at the same thing I was.
Once breakfast was over, I took Brie to a lawyers office that not only handled custody cases but also divorces. They were her specialty actually. Brie walked in as me and Nikki entertained Birdie in the waiting room. She came back with a smile and a copy of the custody and divorce papers. I then took Nicole to the airport to catch a flight back to LA and her beau Artem. Then me and Brie and Birdie headed back to my home. I watched as Brie played with her daugther in my backyard. I smiled from the portrait window of my study. I thought about how amazing or spectacular it would be if Brie and I were to be married or were to start dating. And with that, have Birdie make this place her home. But I knew I was only dreaming. Because I thought there was no way that someone like Brie would be interested in someone who was a friend to her and her sister for so long. Or that Birdie would like the idea of having a stepdad that had the nickname, 'The Devil'.

It was a month later, that marked the end of Brie and Byan's marriage and the custody case over Birdie. I was with Brie for every court date, appearance and meeting. The final one happened the Friday before Fastlane. We were in the diner across from the courthouse when we (Me, Brie, Birdie) were called back to the courthouse to hear the judge's decision on the divorce.
"I have heard both parties, and witness statements of abuse in the relationship. So I rule in favor of Miss Colace. Now in terms of custody of her child Birdie Danielson. I didn't find sufficient evidence to be had in favor of Mr. Danielson. So again Miss Colace will have sole custody of her little girl Birdie." She slammed the gavel and I walked up to Brie with Birdie in my arms.
"Congratulations Miss. Colace. How does it feel to be a free woman and to have custody of your little girl?" I asked sounding like a sports caster interviewing a sports legend.
"It feels good." She smiled as she took Birdie into her arms. "And I never would have gotten through it without you and Birdie here."
"Nice of you to say so." I smiled. "Now I think we should go celebrate. What do you think Birdie?" She nodded and Brie grinned at the sight of Birdie smiling at my suggestion. Then Bryan came up absolutely livid until I stopped him. "Did you not read the adendum that was added to the divorce papers you were handed for these court dates. You are not to come with in two hundred yards of Brie or Birdie. And not within a mile of my home which is their home now. So I suggest you leave and I will be by later tomorrow to collect their things. And by the way. That WWE title you coveted over those two. Will no longer be yours after Wrestlemania this year. Now go. NOW!" He hot footed it out of the court house. As I took Brie and Birdie out to dinner.

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