The Devil's Golden Opportunity. (Part 1)

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I woke up to Brie playing with Birdie, I smiled as I sat up and stretched. "Morning, Dani." Brie said.
"Morning, Brie." I replied. "And how is Little Birdie today?"
She crawled over to me and sat in my lap which thankfully was covered by the blanket. "I'm doing fine. Daniel." She said and I grinned as she called me by my first name.
I kissed the top of her head. As she continued playing with her mom. "Birdie?" Brie asked. "Why did you call your uncle by his first name?"
"Cause pretty soon. He won't be my uncle anymore. He'll be my new daddy." Birdie replied.
Brie and I smiled at Birdie. "Alright, little one. Let's get breakfast started and let Daniel get dressed."
Birdie hugged me once more before Brie picked her up and headed out to the kitchenette of the hotel room. Then I got dressed and went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and noticed a little five o'clock shadow on my face and so I went out to the main room and grabbed my shower kit then went back to the bathroom and after applying a thin layer of shaving cream to my face I washed off the excess in the sink, then grabbed my straight razor and started to carefully started to shave. The moment I washed off the last of the shaving cream from the razors blade. I carefully cleaned the blade before putting it away in my shower kit and grabbed a towel that was hanging from a ring near the sink and toweled off my face after splashing water on it to get rid of the leftover shaving cream and the chaffe of my beard. Then rehung the hand towel on the ring. Once I combed my hair back and put the shaving cream, straight razor, and comb back in the shower kit, I headed out to the main room and found Birdie and Brie cooking breakfast. I smiled as I said, "Okay. And what are my girls making for breakfast today?"
"Bacon, eggs, and ham and cheese omelets. " Brie smiled.
Mmm, smells delicious." I grinned as I walked up behind Brie and Birdie, I kissed Brie's right cheek and leaned down and kissed Birdie's left cheek.

When breakfast was ready, we sat down at the island and ate what was prepared and of course Brie killed it when it came to the bacon, and ham and cheese omelets. Birdie took credit for the scrabled eggs which to be fair she did cook and with barely any help from Brie. Once breakfast was done, Brie and I washed, dried and put the plates away. And since to us Raw was just gonna be the winners of Raw Brand Championships. We thought it best to just walk around the city of East Rutherford, New Jersey. Just me Birdie and Brie.
While at a nice bistro, we met up with Cassie and Alex. "Hey, Alex." I said getting his attention. "What's the latest news on your contractual negotiations?"
"Well, it's official. I'm now on Smackdown. And I can't wait to make my first appearance tomorrow night." He smiled.
"Yeah, my Anarchist is on the same brand as I am. And I love it." Cassie gushed.
"So, that would mean that Anarchy 666 is back in business, wouldn't it?" I smiled.
"Yeah. It definitely would." Alex grinned.
We all talked and laughed and I did make sure Birdie didn't feel left out. As did Cassie and Brie. Alex was kind of shy around kids. So whenever Birdie looked at him, he smiled but that was it.

After a while, I paid the bill, and said goodbye to Alex and Cassie and Birdie, Brie and I headed back to the hotel and just got packed up along with just turning in our keycards and headed to New York City and heaed to the hotel as tomorrow nights Smackdown was to be in Brooklyn.
All three of us went out once we were settled into our hotel room and decided to take in a movie. We went to Captain Marvel and Birdie had a blast and even acted out most of the movie on our way back to the hotel. Which Brie and I found adorable.

When we got back to the hotel, it was eleven at night. So Brie put Birdie down for bed and I walked in and sang her a lullaby and after she was asleep, Brie kissed Birdie on the right cheek, and I kissed her on the forehead, 'Sweeet dreams, my little angel.' I whispered. When I turned around, I saw Brie smiling. 'What?' I whispered as I closed Birdie's bedroom door.
"It's just so cute how you dote on her." Brie told me.
"Well, she is going to be my stepdaughter soon." I smiled. "And I want as many browning points I can get." I chuckled.
"I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a long, long time. Birdie absolutely adores you. So there's no danger of her losing the love she has for you." Brie smiled.
"Hmm. You may be right." I grinned.
"I know I am." She chuckled and we headed to bed. "So you excited to have Alex with you starting tomorrow night?"
"Oh yeah. But Hunter won't." We both laughed as we knew he wouldn't be happy to have two troublemakers on the same brand.
"Well, let's go to bed. I'm sure we'll have a long day tomorrow." Brie smiled and kissed me. We slid into bed and cuddled close together, said goodnight to each other and fell fast asleep.

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