Chapter 1

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It wasn't suppose to be like this.

"KID!" a child's voice that belonged to Edogawa Conan yelled in horror when Gin started shooting at him, Vodka dead next to his weakened body. "No! Leave this place!"

It all happened too fast for Conan before he fainted, head pounding and blood oozing out of his arm steadily fast.

"Tantei-kun!" was the last thing he heard, KID calling out to him.

*     *     *

Conan woke up in the hospital 4 days after, eyes blurry and mind fuzzy from the amount of morphine pumped into his body.

He heard a gasp from his left side and he tried focusing on the person. Mouri Ran.

"Conan-kun! Are you alright? I was so worried!" she said, violet eyes tearing up, removing the oxygen mask and held a glass of water with a straw in front of him. "Drink this.."

Conan sipped the water through the straw and Ran pulled the empty glass away, placing back the mask. "Sleep, Conan-kun. You look very tired."

"K-KID.." he whispered out, voice slightly muffled because of the oxygen mask, eyes darting around the room only to see Ran's dad, Kogoro and her best friend, Sonoko in the room much to his disappointment.

"KID?" she echoed, wiping away her tears. "I don't know what happened to him. He came to the hospital with you and then called us to tell that you've been admitted in the hospital. What were you thinking, Conan-kun? You could've gotten killed!"

"P-Phone.." he said in a soft voice, ignoring Ran's hard disappointed gaze as his eyes zeroed on the phone next to him and he reached out to grab it with his uninjured hand.

He finally grasped it shakily and dialed the number that he memorised by heart, both personal and business number, pulling the mask off his mouth.

Too tired to hold it, he placed it next to him, putting it on loud speaker.

"Tantei-kun? You're awake?"

"Hm.." Conan gave a soft affirmative noise, not noticing the shocked look of the three people in the room with him.

Conan-kun knows KID personally? Why didn't he report the thief to the task force?

"I'm good too, tantei-kun. You need to rest right now, we can talk later. I'll visit soon, okay?"

The shrunken teenager whined softly like a baby, couldn't speak up because of his hurting throat but he knew KID understood what he wanted even without words spoken between them.

That's just how they are.

"So, you want me to stay on the phone and keep talking to you until you're asleep?" Affirmative noise.

"You don't want to rest right now on your own?" Another affirmative noise.

"Do you want me to sing to you again, tantei-kun?" A hum.

A soft melody could be heard from the other end of the line after a few seconds of silence, soft and sweet, startling the others as they watched as Conan fell asleep instantly with a small smile on his face.

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