Chapter 10

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There was once a couple, two ordinary males that had met each other on one faithful day, that lived together in secrecy, away from the French citizens' acknowledgement.

They had a very happy life together. They believed that the Fates had protected them so that they could live in each others' arms for eternity.

But they didn't.

Cruelly being ripped away from him, his lover was killed right in front of his very eyes. They had promised each other eternity and they will find each other in their next life.

The male built a mansion, completed with underground tunnels and rooms for his Love as a memorial. A mansion called Le Château de Velours that still stood tall in France was built for more than a hundred years.

Falling into a state of depression, yearning for his Heart to come back even though he knew it was just a wishful thinking, the male couldn't bear to continue living any longer.

Found him at a tall building rooftop was a lovely woman. She was very understanding of his situation as he told her the story about his tragic love life.

They didn't fall in love, no. They were merely just companions that nursed each other's lonely hearts with their presence, friends if you will, and not long after, they had gotten married.

He never told her about the secret chambers underneath the castle. He never told her that this palace was not meant for her. No, he didn't have to. She would've known about it even without him telling anything.

Then it began, their legacy of the Kudo family.

*         *         *

Shinichi and Kaito returned back to Japan a month before their semester breaks ended.

Heiji and Saguru came to the Kudo Manor one day to hang out with the couple, telling each other interesting stories what they did on their breaks.

"What about ya, Kudo? What did ya do? I heard ya went to France with Kuroba for ya honeymoon," Heiji said, thick in Kansai accent.

Kaito and Shinichi shared an amused look with each other, conversing silently. Nodding, the former stood up and went to take the things they brought back home from the chamber.

"We're about to tell you something very interesting in our stay there and I want you two to swear not to tell a single soul about this because no one can know," Shinichi said in a serious voice.

Saguru and Heiji looked at each other weirdly, shrugging their shoulders. "We swear," they said.

Kaito came back with the 'ancient' books and place it on the floor, sitting back in their circle. "So, Shinichi had gave me a mansion that he inherited from his father. The mansion were more than a hundred years old since it has been passed down for generations. Every old mansion must've have secret passages, right? So we found.." Kaito explained the adventure to their best friends in detail.

The two listened carefully to the story tentatively. Shinichi showed the diaries to them.

"So, Shinichi and I are actually reincarnations of these two lovers. We have this weird familiar feelings at certain places. Now, he mentioned in the entry that he was attracted to this male and we know that guy had brown hair but he didn't state the eyes." Kaito pointed at the diary.

"Then look at this one, when the lover died. Look at the date," Kaito pointed. "June 21st. That's-"

"Your birthday," Saguru supplied, pretty much mind blown.

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