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Jesminda: Girls guess what!

Pezza: You are hot😏

Jesminda: Thanks but no😬

Jeed: Damn tell us already Jesy

Jesminda: I'm pregnant!😍

Leighhatesbugs: Aaaw omg congratulations😍❤️

Jeed: I told you naughty girl to use protection 😏👅

Pezza: I won't be the baby anymore😩😪 but congrats though

Jesminda: Praaaank bitchessss😂😂😂😂

Pezza: You are such an asshole Jessica😂

Jeed: Bitch wtf?😂

Leighhatesbugs: Jesy you are unbelievable 😂😂

Jesminda: I know🌚

Jeed: I can't believe I woke up from my nap to read such a huge bullshit

Jesminda: Ugh grumpy Jeed😒 stop killing my good mood

Jeed: Okay. I will take a nap again. Bye

Leighhatesbugs: I thought we should be spreading love Jeed

Pezza: Do you also ask yourselves why women are on their period? I mean why women and not men duh

Jesminda: Rlly Perrie?

Leighhatesbugs: Men are softiessss😂 they can't take even a small cut they just be like: I'm dying😂😂😂 we are tougher

Jesminda: That was actually a good answer😳👍🏼 well done Leigh. But wbu Pez?

Pezza: Well I think that how should the blood come out? Out of their d*ck or their bum?

Jesminda: What the...?😂

Leighhatesbugs: Perrie😂😂 damn😂

Jeed: I agree with Pez tbh😂

Jesminda: You woke up again?

Jeed: I'm hungry so I can't sleep. Anyone wanna come over for Lasagna?

Leighhatesbugs: No sorry you are too bad at cooking

Jeed: Heyyy!😩😩

Pezza: She isn't that bad actually. I love her cooking skills😍

Jeed: Thanks Pez💜 I got your back😘

Jesminda: Pezz is right Leigh Anne

Jeed: Thanks. You are the best😩💜

Leighhatesbugs: Prankkkkkk😂 I love your cooking skills Jadey Poo❤️

Jeed: I'm...

Pezza: When should we come over?

Jeed: If you want to have something of the Lasagna I guess now😏

Seen by Leighhatesbugs, Pezza and Jesminda

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