Oh sweet revenge

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Jeed: Guys

Jesminda: What

Leelee: Jadey you are scaring me.

Pezza: Yea you never text in the group first

Jeed: Hmm. I feel like I'm blind. I can't read your text Perrie

Jesminda: Perrie what have you done this time?

Pezza: Nothing I swear

Jeed: Liar! You ate me rich tea biscuits!

Pezza: I actually haven't this time

Jeed: You were the only person next to me biscuits

Leelee: Should we do something Jesy?

Jesminda: No let them sort it out. As long as they don't verbally abuse each other, throw threats or shade at each other I won't do anything

Pezza: But Jesy and Leigh also were in that fucking room

Jeed: Yes but you were next to the package

Pezza: Hatchi also could have eaten them. He was on my lap the whole time

Jeed: Fair point

Pezza: Okay I might have stolen one. But then I dropped the package accidentally, Hatchi jumped down and ate them

Jeed: Shall I believe that stupid story? Are there any people who saw it?

Pezza: Jesy and Leigh! Btw you two keep reading and don't say anything

Jesminda: Perrie told the truth

Pezza: See Jeed

*3 hours later*

Pezza: Where is my flower crop top you rats

Jeed: Wow grumpy Perrie chill your bean

Jesminda: And have a 🍸


Leelee: I won't say yes and I won't say no


Jesminda: Whoa there girls chill or take this private

Leelee: Fine I took it. But because you took my two meme t shirts

Pezza: You bitch

Leelee: Sweet revenge. Oh sweet revenge

Pezza: Fine. I return them but only if you give me mine

Leelee: Fine. Meet me in 10min at my place.

Pezza: Okay.

Jeed: Finally silence

Jesminda: True thing. What shall we talk about if they handle the situation at Leigh's

Jeed: I dunno

Jesminda: Dunno too.

Jeed: Since I confirmed that Jed and I broke up, the fans keep posting heartbreaking edits which make me feel even worse

Jesminda: Aaaw Jadey poo. I know how you are feeling. When I broke up with Harry, I thought I'd never be able to love again. I also consumed a lot of alcohol to drown my problems and other unhealthy copying mechanisms

Jeed: You know this is still the group chat? Let's take that private

Jesminda: For fucks sake.

Private convo Jadesy:

Jeed: What copying mechanisms are you talking about?

Jesminda: Well I cut myself and drunk a lot of alcohol.

Jeed: Wow. I didn't expect you to do this.

Jesminda: Yep. I hid my emotions

Jeed: True point. You always smiled no matter what.

Jesminda: I carried a mask 24/7

Jeed: K. Have you got tips for heartbreak or heartache?

Jesminda: Tea, biscuits, your favorite movies and chilling out with friends

Jeed: Can you come over? I need a hug and your presence

Jesminda: Of course Jadey will be there in 5mins❤️

Jeed: I don't deserve you❤️

Jesminda: You do Jadey.

Back in the group

Jesminda: Yo Leigh have you handled the situation?

Leelee: Yep. Btw what copying mechanisms were you talking about?

Jesminda: It doesn't matter. Anyways bye you nutters. Will be at Jade's

Pezza: Want us to com over too Jeed?

Jeed: Sure why not.

Jesminda: I can pick you up if you want. I would be there in 5mins

Pezza: Okay.

Leelee: K thanks Jesy

I'm so sad that Jaded broke up. I really loved how cute they were and supportive even though they didn't spend much time together bc of their jobs. Let's hope Jadey is well but she has the girls❤️❤️

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