LM6 is coming in 2020

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J: I can't believe we've just confirmed, that LM6 will be out next year.

Jesy: Ikr? It's our sixth album! That's mental 😳😳

Pezza: And we've come so far like I never thought that😩❤️❤️❤️

Lee: And I'm frustrated that we lost best gg of the decade against 5H🙄 they aren't a group anymore. Like people should stop sleeping on us

Pezza: Yea but our mixers did their best. They kept spamming twitter and insta that they should vote for us. Did you see any harmonizers spamming? No. I didn't see some. But to get to the point I wanna say is, that I love our fans more than anything in the world❤️❤️❤️

Jesy: Yessss they're our babies😩❤️❤️

J: Yea right? We've got the best fans in the world but I don't understand why the fandom turned so toxic?

Lee: Right? I mean they're a family😟

Jesy: And should not drive others to kill themselves😢

Pezza: Kill themselves? Did I miss anything?

Jesy: Yep we lost two mixers in September due to online bullying. One named Mel and one named Ayleen Amelia. It just makes me so upset😭

Lee: I didn't know about Mel but I heard about Ayleen Amelia. She killed herself two days after her 17th BDay😢 it just makes me so sad

Jesy: Stop Leigh 😩😭 I'm crying 😭

Pezza: You wanna come over?❤️

Jesy: Yes please😭😭😭

Pezza: Leigh?

Lee: Ofc!

Pezza: Future wife?❤️❤️❤️

J: Yayyyyy😍😍😍

Jesy: Naaaaaw Jerrie😍😍😍

So what do y'all think? This fandom really turned toxic. Those two suicides aren't imagined! I saw it on insta and I follow both accounts. It's just heartbreaking... but my wig flew to Japan, when the girls confirmed, LM6 will be ours next year😍😍😍 I'mma need to restock my wigs uwuuu😂

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