Private chats

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Private convo Jerrie:

Jadeypoo❤️: Why did you name me Jadeypoo on WhatsApp?

Pezza: Bc I love that name😌 btw how did you name me?

Jadeypoo❤️: Dumbass😌❤️

Pezza: Ouch... but wait. How do you know how I named you on WhatsApp 😳

Jadeypoo❤️: That's why I name you dumbass: you fucking told and showed me duh🙄

Pezza: Oops.

Jadeypoo❤️: My baby. You woke up in my bed😏

Pezza: Ok tf? I gotta go. Have to do walkies with Hatchi. Bye Jeed

Jadeypoo❤️: Bye you old fart😌❤️

Private convo Jadesy:

Jeed💜: Baby keep me wetter than a bayou😏😏😏💦💦💦

Jesminda: What...the...fuck?

Jeed💜: I'm just being honest Miss Nelson😌😌

Jesminda: First of all Jade: I am not gay. Second: I have a boyfriend. Last: Are you drunk?

Jeed💜: First: Anyone turns gay looking at you, second: I know and last: I am.

Jesminda: Bc of that dick called Jed?

Jeed💜: Pls don't remind me😩😩

Jesminda: Shall I come over? And the other two too?

Jeed💜: Only you pls. I don't want Pezz or Leigh see me like that😶

Jesminda: Ok ok I am on my way darling. But I can bring Reggie and Oscar with me😌

Jeed💜: What kind of question is that? Of course. I love your two little bears🐻❤️

Jesminda: I knew it😌💜 will be there in 10.

Jeed💜: I love you 💕

Jesminda: I love you more❤️

Private convo Pesy:

Momma Jesy👅: Pezz can we talk?

Pezza: I don't know can we?

Momma Jesy👅: Perrie I'm serious. It's about Jade

Pezza: Why didn't you say that straight away? Fine. What's wrong?

Momma Jesy👅: First of all she obviously isn't in a good condition. She gets drunk everyday and she hasn't eaten for three days. I am so afraid her anorexia might be coming back😩

Pezza: Wow. I didn't expect that from Jade. It would be for best if we keep a sharp eye on her and offer her some help

Momma Jesy 👅: Wow that was the most adult like advice you ever gave😳 I am truly impressed. But I agree. You can count on me

Private convo Lesy:

Jess❤️❤️❤️: Oi oi Pinnock

Leelee: I thought you hate calling each other by last names?

Jess❤️❤️❤️: Changed my mind.

Leelee: K. What are you doing?

Jess❤️❤️❤️: I am waiting for my food to be ready. And you? Reading smuts about us?😂😂

Leelee: Jessica🤦🏽‍♀️ I am at the store to get some food.

Jess❤️❤️❤️: You already have Andre. I thought you only eat him.💦

Leelee: Now you act ridiculous 🙄

Jess❤️❤️❤️: It's the truth. And also you forget that you have that pillow with Andre's face on it? Having a snog with it?

Leelee: Guilty😂

Jess❤️❤️❤️: Want to come over?

Leelee: Sure. Shall I bring you anything other than Ben&Jerry's cookie dough?😌

Jess❤️❤️❤️: Wha... I love you😍😍😍 no just bring yourself😌😌 and hunger. I made some Thai food.

Leelee: I hope it's as good as the one you made in your episode of eat in with Little Mix.

Jess❤️❤️❤️: It will be even better. Hurry up pls.

Leelee: I'm on my way😌

Private convo Lerrie:

Kween👑: Hi Pezz have you got my sweater with the Meme on it?

Pezza: The one with Jade's moonface or tht one with Jesy's Balegdeh face🧐

Kween 👑: Wait. You took both of them🤯🤯 give them baaack

Pezza: What about no?

Kween👑: Otherwise I'd have to tell momma Jesy 😌

Pezza: Noooo. I'm on my way sorry Leigh Anne

Private convo Leighade:

Poopey❤️: Leigh Leigh where is Jesy? She wanted to come over 2 hours ago.

Leelee: Wait I'll call her...

(5 minutes later)

Leelee: She overslept. She gets ready and will be there in 1h.

Poopey❤️: Why am I not surprised? But thx though

Leelee: Are you okay? You have been awfully off since three days

Poopey❤️: I'm fine🙂

Leelee: Don't mind me Jadey. I know you are not fine. I just want you to know that we'll always be there for you. For anything okay?❤️❤️ But we won't force you to anything ❤️

Poopey❤️: Thanks Leigh. That means a lot to me. Really❤️❤️❤️

Leelee: That's what friends are there for 😌❤️

Poopey❤️: And I can call three wonderful people my friends: you, Jesy and Pez

Leelee: Aaaw Jeeeeeed❤️❤️❤️ we are happy to call YOU our friend❤️❤️

Poopey❤️: ❤️❤️

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