Jesy and her 3 little kids

979 17 23

Pezza: Pls Jesy unblock me😟

Leelee: What happened

Jeed: Hold on! I want to get some popcorn

Leelee: Jade🤬

Jeed: Ok ok sorry. Tell us Pezz

Pezza: Jesy came home from the grocery store, put the vegs into the fridge and asked me where her Ben&Jerry's is. She found a spoon in the dishwasher and stomped towards me. She threw it at me and screamed: Did you little shit eat my Ben&Jerry's? I nodded and she left the flat. I don't know where she is. She doesn't answer her phone and she blocked me

Leelee: Pezz🤦🏽‍♀️ You know that Jesy reacts that way when you eat her Ben&Jerry's. Which flavour?

Pezza: Cookie dough

Jeed: Bruh it's even her favorite flavour. You stepped into boiling shit

Pezza: How can I apologize? I hate Jesy being mad. Especially at me

Leelee: Buy her a new one Miss smart

Jeed: The words Perrie and smart just don't fit well

Pezza: Jade you meanie😩😩

Jesminda: Hey you little motherfuckers

Pezza: Jesy! Finally! I was so worried! Where have you been

Jesminda: Getting myself a new Ben&Jerry's because some limp shit ate my previous

Pezza: Sowee😖😖😖

Jesminda: Apology accepted. But only this time. Don't you dare eat my Ben&Jerry's again. Because when you do it again you gotta pay for it😏😏😏

Jeed: Perrie should fuck you?

Jesminda: Jeed? Are you on drugs😂

Jeed: Shall she fuck you or not? She is pretty good actually😌

Leelee: What the fuck...?😳😳

Jesminda: Brooo too much information 🤢🤢🤢

Jeed: Jessica Louise Nelson answer me question! Should she fuck you to pay for your loss?

Jesminda: No! I have a boyfriend, she has a boyfriend and it would be cheating. And since we both love our boyfriends we would never hurt them.

Jeed: What a shame. I thought we might get a private show😏

Jesminda: Bitches I'm out. Chris is at my house.

Jeed: Please be quiet😏💦🍆💦

Jesminda: Seriously? You say that everytime. It gets on my boobs

Pezza: Doesn't Chris get on your boobs enough or to get into details: touch yours😏😏💦🍆💦

Jesminda left the group

Leelee: Poor Jess. You always annoy her. It's kind of a miracle that she hasn't had a heart attack yet because of you two little babies

Pezza: Shut up Leigh Anne Pinnock

Leelee added Jesminda

Leelee: Now be nice to momma Jesy

Jesminda: At least one child that acts like an adult👍🏼

Leelee: My pleasure😌😌

Seen by Jesminda, Jeed and Pezza

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