Jerrie II

760 11 1

J: Perrieeeee

Pezza: Me little Jeed I missed you so much😍😍

Jesy: Guys me and Leighly are still in here

Lee: Yea and you two were inseparable on stage tonight😍🌚

J: Well I love me Perrie❤️

Pezza: Aaaaaw Jeed😍

Jesy: Hey Jade where has your grumpiness gone?

J: Vanished

Lee: You liar you don't even use vanish

J: Leigh😂😂

Jesy: Oh my goddd😂😂

Lee: Ah you find it funny Jade is a liar???

Pezza: No Leigh I think you don't get what we mean

Lee: Then what you mean?

J: I said my grumpiness vanished

Lee: Ooooh okay. I didn't read precisely enough. My bad. I thought you talked about that detergent vanish🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Lee: But talking of vanish... has one of you girls detergent to go with you?

Jesy: Detergent to go sounds like you're gonna drink it... you mean the detergent in these little tubes you can take everywhere?

Lee: Exactly!

Jesy: Sorry I forgot it at home too

J: Liar! I saw you washing off a coffee stain a few minutes ago 😟🧐

Jesy: 🤐😩

Lee: Jess can I borrow it? I stained my pyjamas with nacho sauce

Jesy: C'mere I'll wash it out for ya❤️

Lee: Yayyyy

Pezza: And you keep saying you don't act like you're our mother?

J: Spill that tea Pezziebear❤️❤️

Jesy: Ok I may sometimes act like your mom🤭

Lee: Sometimes is an understatement!

J: You cook us food

Pezza: You help us pack our cases when we go on tour

J: You make sure we are okay

Lee: You comfort us when we feel shit

Pezza: You won't let go until you are convinced we're okay

J: And you're extremely protective

Jesy: Aaaaw guys😩❤️❤️❤️

Lee: But wait...

J: Leigh Anne don't you dare

Lee: Noooo I was gonna say I found the detergent 🤦🏽‍♀️🙊

Pezza: 😂😂😂where did it hide?

Lee: In my beauty case

Jesy: I told you I put it in there but you never listen to me

J: Amen to that sister

Pezza: Jeeeeeeeed my arms are lonely. Care to join them?

J: On me way princess❤️❤️❤️

Jesy: Jade hold on for a sec

J: Yea what's up?

Jesy: Why don't you and Leigh change bunk beds? Then you're with Pez❤️

Lee: Love that idea! Perrie is snoring like hell

Pezza: Heyyy!

J: It's annoying but at the same time the most adorable sound my ears ever heard🙈❤️

Lee: Shush!

J: Pez when are we going to make our relationship public?

Pezza: I dunno. I would like to wait a bit more❤️

J: It's fine. We'll tell them whenever you're ready❤️❤️❤️

Pezza: You're cute but my arms are dying to hold you🌚❤️

J: I'm coming❤️❤️❤️

Jesy: Bye you two love birds🙈

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