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"Sarah you wore my clothes again? What is wrong with you? A normal person would have decency of asking before practically hijacking my stuff. It is my favorite shirt. Please give it back "

Sarah rolled her eyes.

"I am getting late. So yeah, farewell for now dear flower." She started to make her way to the door.

"MAMAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I shrieked. She really has pushed me to my limits.

"Yes, Fatima!" Mama screams back as I follow Sarah down the stair case. Wiping her hands in a napkin, Mama emerges from the kitchen. Except for sleeping, she spends rest of her day there.

"Mama, Sarah wore my new shirt and is not taking it off." I charged against Sarah. Mom looks at Sarah from head to toe. "You look great, Masha Allah. Let me get an egg for the sadqah." Mama replied.

My jaw did not just drop. No, no, no, no. It freaking broke. "Mamaaaaaaaaaaa." I whined. I am not to letting Sarah get out in my clothes no matter what.

"Thanks." Sarah replied with tossing her black long her back and smirking at me. She sniffed haughtily as she walked in the kitchen following Mama.

"But I haven't even worn this once." I cried.

"Sshh, Fatima. Learn to compromise. Life is only good for those who make sacrifices for others." She said as she circulated the egg round Sarah's head seven times.

"Hmph" was all that I could say. She knows that I would never defy her.

"Stop Sarah. Wait. I should take off the nazar too." Mama said as she placed chillies on the white paper. I rolled my eyes. Mama is always this extreme.

"You look this good because you are wearing my shirt, twit" I said to Sarah. She rolled her eyes. Gahhh. Her eye rolls. I want to punch her perfect slender nose.

Mama places the paper ball of chilies on stove and lights the burner.

There is fire everywhere. Sarah is shrieking, Mama is tying to find a way out through smoke. It is making her choke. She can not breath I went to the sink trying to find water but the sink is not at it's place. I turn around to see Sarah's shirt catching fire and Mama choking. Nothing else.

Just me, Mama, Sarah and the horrible smoke filled room.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? Can you wake up? Ma'am?" A strange, unfamiliar voice reaches me.

I feel the heat of fire going away. The screams and choking sound are still ringing in my ear, slowly faiding away.

I open my eyes feeling my cheeks colder and... wet? The back of my hand touches my cheek to confirm my doubt. I was crying again. I look around. Where am I?

The memories of last 3 months through my eyes. Canada...

My haven from the torture of Pakistan. As I look around my eyes meet those of my awakener. Piercy gray coloured.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" Her wooried eyes tried to find answer within mine but I looked down quick enough. "No. I mean yes. I am Fine. I just want some water, If that is not a hassle." I said, my hand sweaty on my lap. " No, no. Not at all.".

She brought a bottle of stream water. It was sweeter than the mineral water I am accustomed to.

After, Drinking water, I checked time. I was sleeping since 9 hours and 38 minutes. Still on the same page of Mr. Darcy's letter to Elizabeth. My eyes got weary making out words, thus I put a bookmark on the page and kept it back in my back pack. I went to the washroom to freshen up. The reflection of mirror told tales f my misery. I could not refuse. The image of my wrinkled hijab, tear stained face and puffy red eyes. Explains the glances of people on my way to the washroom and worry of the attendant.

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