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I dragged my body downstairs because I don't want to be awkward on my first day in Canada. But I am determined to get my answers. Halfway through, my senses catch aroma of food. God, smells so nice, or maybe I am hungry. When I enter kitchen, the counter catches my eye. Bro, shoot me. I want to jump right into it, the omelet, toast, orange and carrot marmalade, pancakes tea and last of all the cereal, but I can not because the person who made breakfast is on his phone, looking quite annoyed. I chose not to eavesdrop and looked down at my hands in my lap.

I felt movement beside me. I knew it would be him and I am not comfortable. Not with him or any man except for my Papa and Khaleel Khalu and now Muhammad Uncle. I stood up to serve him food.

"What would you like?" I asked filling my plate with omelet and toast

"Same as you." Came reply

Oh Allah please, give me enough patience.

I filled his plate similarly, poured us both tea.

"How much sugar would you like?"

"Same as you."

"Are you sure, because it might be too sweet for you?"


I seriously wanted to choke him on sugar.

I dug into my food and started eating.

After finishing my plate I prepared my marmalade and butter toast sandwich.

"You want it too?" I asked when got some lovely looks from my company

"Yes of course, I do."

I bit my tongue as I prepared the sandwich, stopping it to lash at the creature sitting in front of me.

I put the sandwich on his plate and started to divide mine into two and dipped into tea and ate it. Moaning from the taste I looked up right into those black eyes.

"What are you doing?"
"Uh? Eating breakfast?"
"Why like that?"
"Because it is tasty?"
Why is he so difficult to understand.


"Can I ask you question?" I asked fidgeting.
"Yes." He said looking into newspaper.
"I thought you lived elsewhere, what are you doing here?" I said looking down in my lap. I can not look at him. He is too pretty.
"I do live at my own place. I came here last night because my parents had to go for an emergency." He said mechanically.


"There is one more question... If you won't mind that is."
"Go ahead." He said from behind the newspaper.
"how did you have my number?" The cell phone and sim were gift from Mohammad Uncle.
"Dad gave it to me."
"You don't want me to have it?" He said removing newspaper from between us
"Sort of..." finding my hands in my lap fascinating suddenly
"Uhh. I need to go. The breakfast was great. Thanks." I said getting up from my chair taking my plate and cup with me. I keep them on the sink and intend to walk out as something catches my elbow. And I meet those black eyes again. I look down. I dare not look at him. I have seen fire under those cold black eyes. Suddenly the kitchen is too small.
"You have not answered my question." A cold voice rings in my ears. It feels like he is gritting his teeth.
"I would not like to continue this conversation." I said trying to wriggle my wrist from his grip.
"But I would like to have the answer." He said gripping my wrist more tightly, my brown hands in his fair ones.
"Fine!" I said freeing my hand.
"God you are weird and that is exactly why I don't like you having my number without even it being in my knowledge. You creep me out. Oh and you are a freak." I poured my venom out.
"do you know how many girls would kill to be in your place?"
"No and neither do I care. I am here to study and that's all my business here is." I said walking away.

One thing about me: I have stayed away from guys all my life and right now I don't have any intention to become toy of twenty something Pakistani Canadian. My main focus right now is my medical school, job and becoming a surgeon. He grabbed my wrist again pulling me hard enough that I collide with his chest. Pushing my chin up to meet his eyes, he said
"One of these das you are going to regret being so ungrateful."
"You wish." I said narrowing eyes and pushing him away.

Talk about attitude. Anyways this time I walk away successfully. I walked upstairs to my room, took off my hijab opened my hair and sat under morning sunlight making it's way from the terrace as I have pulled the curtains away. As I comb my hair I notice time on my phone 08 50, it's only been almost two hours and he has made me so tired that I feel like I have been awake since ages. I really hope he doesn't spend much time here just like how I thought at the start.

After tieing my hair in a braid I sat to study again. After sometime my usual sweet cravings started to occur. Back in Pakistan, Mama used to maintain my craving box every month. I don't know whether they have something sweet here or not. Going back downstairs did not seem appealing at all but if I wont find something sweet to eat, studying could not be done. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of my room, settling my hijab on my head but when I reached stair end, my confidence seemed to falter. He won't be there hopefully, and even, if he would be there, I could always run back upstairs right?
No, that would be stupid. I could keep a knife and stab him if he tries to touch me again.
Pfff Fatima. Is you mad? You can not stab a person for touching you.
Actually you can. If a person is touching you against yout will.

That being said, I glanced left and right and ran to the kitchen.

I started my search for sweets from the fridge, then the cabinets. Fridge did not have any sweets to my dismay but I found hot chocolate powder in the cabinets.
Pro tip: Always check the expiry before consuming things at a place which you don't own

After checking the expiry date which was for next two years, I started to heat milk.

"Need any assistance?" How much does it take for this guy to mind his own business.
"No I am good." I replied without turning
"I am not as bad as you think." His voice is calm. Somehow reminds me of the calmness of sea before storm.
"I don't know how twisting my wrist to make me listen makes you better than my judgment." I stated indifferently. Noticing that milk is warm enough, I pour it in the mug add some sugar and then stir. When most of the sugar seems dissolved I add the powder, wait for it to settle down then start to drink

"You did not stir the powder." An annoying voice reminds me
"I know." I said sipping while setting alarm for my upcoming nap and Prayer for duhr.
"Serioulsy?" I look up to see amusement in those black eyes
"What?" I said looking back into the phone screen
"You like your chocolate un stirred?" I don't see how that is amusing.
"Yes, does it bother you?" I swear I am really well mannered and polite but he just brings the worse out of me.
"No it doesn't. It just makes you more interesting." I rolled my eyes while looking at the phone.
"Well I assure you apart from that I am really boring so don't bother getting all interested in me." I said pulling out plate of pancakes from the fridge, walked to the microwave.
"let me." As the plate is taken from my hands.
On a second thought... May be I don't want the pancakes at all.
"No thanks you are welcome to eat it. I don't want to gain weight." I said walking out.

Well that sums up my morning along with studying. After praying Duhr I took off my hijab changed into my unicorn onesie and went to sleep.

This time also there were no dreams or nightmares.

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