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Ahmed's POV

My life is pretty simple one. I am currently the influential business man son of Mayor of the town. For most of my life I have done whatever I wanted to do. There are no shackles in my feet for religion or relations. I get what I want. And if I don't, then the thing simply ceases to exist. I was in Pakistan to sell some real estate that belonged to my grandfather. While I was in Karachi, I received a call from my father that wife of his late friend has also passed away and I should go and offer my condolences to their only remaining daughter of the couple as the elder one had passed away with the mother. Also that she would be coming to Canada and living with us in next three months. However, comforting wailing people is really not my cup of tea so I passed that one (though my father tried his best to make me go as he can not trevel back to Pakistan himself due to his heart conditions).

I went to Dubai after getting rid of that old piece of inheritance for a business meeting. After cracking up the deal I stayed at Dubai to party (and to hook up). I joined a connecting flight from Pakistan To Dubai. I had Sabrina (some girl from club who was also from Canada) with me (to satisfy my physical needs). After she did what her purpose was with me, I went out to meet some of my friends and enjoy a drink. That's when it happened. A girl in shambles crashed into me. She looked like the impact could have shattered her and right now she would be on floor in pieces. I tried to balance her by holding her shoulders but before I could touch her she had regained herself. She looked up and our eyes locked. She had golden skin, a little dull and tear stained. She had no traces of make up on her but her eyes. They were darkest shade of brown, looked like they were mourning for a loss. As soon as they met they looked away as if afraid of revealing some secret of her heart. She looked flustered. As she looked away I seemed to have gained my old self back as I brushed my suit and told her to watch herself. That's when I heard her murmur something. As I proceeded her words she walked away.
"Sorry." Was what she said then. She was different from all the girls I had met before. I could tell that and maybe that is what sparked more of my interest.

We met again, in the same flight, within half an hour. I was coming back from Edward's cabin when we met for a second time. This time too she bumped into me. Her eyes traveled upto mine and realization washed over her. She looked more composed now. Her eyes were kohled and her face was clear of any signs of tears. Before I could initiate a conversation, she literally threw an apology on my face and went away. It was first time that any girl had audacity to walk away from me.

Coming back to my cabin, Sabrina was sleeping in my button down shirt. She did not seem tempting anymore. Her blue eyes and long legs did not appeal to me at all. Closing my eyes I could only see a pair of brown eyes and a certain someone with golden skin. It just frustrated me. I have never felt this way before. Before, the other party would show interest first and after week or so toying them in my mansion I would get tired of them and replace them.

Much to my excitement, we met again at the terminal where she stood with her luggage on her side. I recognized her by her long abaya and blue scarf on her head. She was trying to find someone I could tell as she was tiptoeing as I walked nearer to her. But as I got beside her she lost her balance due to push from side and landed on my chest. She looked up to me and I did not look at her instantly. Instead I kept one hand at her waist and helped her regain her balance. She looked flustered and annoyed behind her shades, maybe a little confused too. As her eyes met mine, embarrassment became crustal clear in her eyes. That's when it occurred me to tease her.
"Young lady, can you try not to bump into me every time you see me." I said with mock seriousness.
This seemed to embarrass her further, as baby pink tinge appeared on her golden cheeks. She looked angry and lost for words as she pushed my arms away from her side and stepped back to put distance between us, an act which I did not like at all. She murmured something again but this time I understood that she's apologizing. I brushed my coat and replied that it was okay.

She tiptoed again, this time relieve seemed to occupy her face.
"It was nice meeting you, my escort is here." She said trying to pick up her luggage but falling, again. I should mention that she fall on me. A groan left her mouth. She is really different, and clumsy may I add?

"May I help you?" I said offering her.
"No you may not. My escort is here, I will just ask him. Thanks though." Did she just reject me? A part of me grew angry but a larger part of me was worried and due to that I could not leave her without being ensured that she was safe.
"Who is it?" I asked tiptoeing
"Does it matter. You can go." She is clearly annoyed with my natural concern as she walked away.

My gaze followed her only to find her talking to... Gul Khan, our driver and my childhood friend.

He followed her back to her luggage but as soon as he saw me the emotions started to pour on his face he ran to me. The conversation is blur but I realized then that this girl was the one that was supposed to live with us. It's been three months since I heard from my dad about her family. That explains the greif stricken face in the airplane. I looked at her, now feeling guilty for not going over. She looked so confused. Looking at Gul then at me then back at Gul.

I told Gul Khan to take her home safely, as I turn to take my luggage. I had already told Sabrina to wait for me in the car. Dropping her at her home and declining her invitation to come in, I sped back to my parents' house.

When I got there, she looked shocked to see me.

When I stepped out of my car, my mother greeted me with her usual too sweet words that my family in Pakistan is obsessed with. Her jaw literally fall to the floor hearing that. And to more of her surprise when mom introduced me to her as her son, I could see disappointment in her eyes. She was eyeing her surroundings as if her paradise had turned I into prison and she was looking for a way out. The fact that she looked so disappointed because of me showing up saddened me a little bit. I am not used to not being liked, especially by the females. And this resilient girl to my charm is something new for me.

Throughout the dinner she hardly put any effort in the conversation. Only spoke when she was spoken to. When mom mentioned my going back, I frowned internally. I did not want to go back but I had to knowing that if I stayed, the lady, Fatima, now that I know her name, would not like it. I instantly drove back to my mansion allowing pair of dark brown eyes to haunt me.

I kept tossing and turning throughout but the sleep would remain miles away from me. Even the tiredness from the flight could not lull me to sleep. I wanted to see that golden skinned brown eyed girl that is resilient to my charisma. At one am, I received call from dad.

"Yes dad?" I said picking up the call
"Beta, your mom has been called from hospital. We need to get there as there is an emergency due to an accident. Fatima would be alone, can you come here and accompany the guest when she wakes up?" Dad told me in haste.
"no problem dad. You go focus on the duty, I will be there in half an hour max."
"Love you son. Jazak Allah."

I walked into house at 3 am against my words. Mom dad were not at house then. Still not sleepy, I decided to sit in the garden and smoke. After binge smoking the whole packet, I stood up and took a stroll in the garden. Minutes later I looked up to see a girl opening the door of terrace walking into it, looking from side to side. This time I could see her hair. They were tamed in a loose bun that rested at the base of her neck. I saw her shuddering hurrying inside. If seeing in hijab caused me to admire her, seeing her without one was actually as if she was a magnet and I am a magnetic piece. I could feel the physical pull towards her. God, I have to get her to like me.

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