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After Fatima went inside I went to the study to work while my brain refused to shut itself. At around seven am I heard someone in kitchen. I went to the kitchen to see who was it. I saw a figure trying to reach the cereal box. As soon as she reaches it, I realize who she is.

"What are you doing at seven am in the kitchen?" I asked turning on the lights

She turned to see me and she looked flustered and guilty. As if, I had caught her dealing drugs.

She said something hurriedly. I could not understand a syllable, then my eyes travelled to the cereal box in her golden hands. She was wearing white kurti shalwar and a dusty golden hijab in such a way that her neck and hair line were making them known. She had put some effort in her look, I could tell. She looked beautiful. A different kind of beautiful as compared to her plane and terrace beautiful selves.

Seeing that she was hungry, I felt hungry too.

"I can make it, you can be seated." I said advancing towards her.
"No, you don't have to I am perfectly capable of making a cereal trust me." She replied backing away stopping abruptly due to the counter. Looking back at me, as if, asking for mercy. Lord, she is so fun to mess with.

"I never asked. I told you." I replied while depriving her of the cereal box. A flash of range of emotions ran through her eyes. A moment ago eyes that pleaded, now were burning.
"Excuse me? I said I can do it. Thanks for your consideration but no thanks I can do it." She replied trying to get the cereal but I held it out of her reach. After trying few times, she gave up with a sigh. No not a sigh, she literally forced the whole air of her lungs out. Satisfied by my work, I proceeded to wear apron and turned on the stove to brew tea.

"Do you like your tea strong?" I asked her out of courtesy because even if she would recommend light tea, I would still brew it strong.
"Yes... I mean what?" She said looking like she walked in another dimension and could not understand a thing.
"And omelet?" I further inquired, ignoring the latter statement.
"Why are you asking this?" She asked annoyedly.
"You can go to your room, I'll call you when the breakfast will be ready." I replied turning on the stove and dismissing her. God, she is the most interesting girl of my life.

I prepared breakfast and called her when it was done. She entered kitchen when I was busy at phone and took a seat at the counter where I had served breakfast. She waited for me to come before eating and when I came, I took the seat beside her. she served me my plate and sat back to the chair again. She and I had same breakfast. This fact delighted me. We are so close. This proximity makes me feel lured towards her but I control my thoughts. Her golden fists are lying in her lap as she looks like she is thinking about an important decision. I watch her from behind my newspaper.

"Can I ask you something?" She spoke all of a sudden.
"Yes." I replied. I wanted to know what she wants to know about me.
"I thought you lived elsewhere, what are you doing here?" She said staring at her fists in her lap. Not lifting her head even once. Is she uncomfortable with me?
"I do live at my own place. I came here last night because my parents had to go for an emergency." I told her nonchalantly. I cannot let her know I am interested in her. She looked as if I had told her the house was haunted after hearing that I was here all night. I DID NOT like that.

"There is one more question... If you won't mind that is." She asked in the same small voice
"Go ahead." I replied, still keeping the news paper between us.
"How did you have my number?" her voice feels uncomfortable.
"Dad gave it to me." I replied
"Why?" Came her question. Does she not want me to have it? I removed the newspaper from between us to have look at her face. She looked sheepish.
"You don't want me to have it?" I questioned
"Sort of.." she replied.
"Why?" I wanted to know what was so repulsing about me.
"Uhh. I need to go. The breakfast was great. Thanks." She said standing up with her plate and mug. She walks elegantly and gracefully like she owns the world. I stood up to follow her but she was leaving already, I grabbed her elbow and pulled her towards me. The confidence in her face was replaced with fear. She is scared. By me.
"You have not answered my question." I told her. It did not came as gentle as I'd like but words are never gentle, especially since you are gritting your teeth.
"I would not like to continue this conversation." She said trying to free her wrist from my palms. This further infuriated me as no girl ever had done that causing my grip to get more intense.
"But I would like to have my answer. " I said staring in those beautiful brown eyes.
"Fine." She replied prying her hands from me.
"God you are weird and that is exactly why I don't like you having my number without even it being in my knowledge. You creep me out. Oh and you are a freak." She was taking deep breaths as if she ran a marathon saying all those words which felt like fire in my ears. I knew that she would not say all that once she gets to see me properly but she would not even give me a second glance.
"Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your place?" I asked her, wanting to tuck the strand of her majestic black hair, behind her ear.
"No and neither do I care. I am here to study and that's what all my business here is." She replied turning to walk away. When I grab her wrist and pull her towards me pushed her chin up to meet my eyes and said
"One of these das you are going to regret being so ungrateful." She narrowed her eyes hearing that, and replied; "You wish." Pushed me away and walked out. That alone is enough offence for me. No one walks out on me unless I say so. She really needs to learn her lesson. Thinking that, I walked out of the kitchen, drowning myself back into work. Time seemed to be dragging itself. I resisted the urge to storm into her room and show her who the boss here is. However, I have a plan to do that and to make it more humiliating for her.

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