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He left the room , giving me last grin before closing the door. I laid there getting morally ready for the fish.

" okay, okay " I started talking to myself like a crazy person " I'll just eat a little and say that I'm not feeling well! Yeah! Mhmm, that's it! No disgusting fish for me-" I noticed the boy looking at me confused. " Jesus, how do I fuck up like this all the time" I thought to myself as I should've done IN ThE BeGgInInG.

" uh-" he started mumbling. He was holding plate with the fish he prepared. I felt terrible .

" WAIT!! It's not what I meant!!" I jumped from my bad and stumbled to him. My head was spinning from standing up that quickly. He just looked at me with a lost look on his face. I took the plate from him and took it to my bed. He followed me reaching his hands out to catch me in case of falling . I collapsed on my bed and looked at the fish that looked disgusting.

" uh you do-"
"NO NO ITS FINE" I shoved fish in my mouth. I nearly gagged not only did I hate fish, it was also cooked terribly. It was too salty and dry.

" It's delicious-" I forced a smile. He just looked at me hesitant but then his face lightened up.

" pfffft " he started laughing " you didn't have to " he couldn't breathe from laughing. I felt my cheeks heating.

" I'd have given you something else" laughter " you should've told me that you don't like fish" his look got softer as he looked me up and down. He stepped closer and took the plate from me.

" I'll get you a soup" he said very softly. He looked happy. I couldn't help but laugh at myself, he looked at me little surprised.

" sorry, I'm so awkward " I said chuckling. He chuckled too and we both started laughing uncontrollably .

" you scared me a little " he said laughing.

" pfft I'm so sorry. I should be more honest and calm" we both calmed down and looked at each other. He smiled at me.

" so you want your soup or na?" I chuckled again. Laughing so much made my stomach ache and my eyes water.

" not really " I looked at the wall behind me. It wasn't a wall it was a window . I just realised it was dark outside. " hey, what time is it?" I asked hesitantly.

"4am" he said shrugging.

" what? How long was I asleep?"

" few hours?"

" oh, OMG! Where's my pHone?!" I asked nervously. I noticed that I raised my voice saying omg.

" ah, I charged it for you " he said with a smile. " wait, I'll bring it to you"

He ran out and brought my phone. I thanked him with a smile and tuned it on. I saw a text from my grandma saying " no need to bother coming"

"OH wow-" I heard the boy say. I looked up at him " are you okay? " he asked with worried expression.

" yeah, I'm used to it" I chuckled to stop him from worrying but it didn't look like it worked.

" I don't really talk with my family either" he said quietly. " but my friends make me feel way better... well 3 Of 'em murdoc is weird" we both laughed a little.

" my name is Stuart, friends call me 2D" he pointed at his eyes " two dents "

" pfft, my name is y/n"

" that's a cute name" he said with a smile.

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