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We went to the nearest store. 2D was little spaced out, he looked little nervous, especially when I talked or looked at him. He'd scratch his head and play with his hands, looking away. It weirded me out a little. Curiosity got best of me.

" 2D?" I asked as softly as I could. He jumped a little.

" yeah? What is it???"

" are you alright? You seem to be stressed out-"

" NO, no, I'm alright... Am I acting weird??"

" kinda-" he suddenly grabbed his head in pain.

" are you alright?? 2D?" He looked like he was being tortured.

" Can you get painkillers for me?"

" OH, YeAh OF cOuRse!!" I ran to the assistant and bought a LOT of painkillers and a bottle of water. I ran back to him as fast as I could and gave him the pills. He took them slowly and told me to buy stuff.

" I'll sit for a while if you don't mind" he said as he hid his face in his hands.

" maybe coming here was a bad idea... you didn't look too well, I should've noticed-" I felt bad. Looking bad it was obvious that he wasn't feeling well.

" no, it's fine " he looked up at me and forced a smile " I'm used to it"

I felt my heart break. I couldn't imagine how much he was struggling if he was " used to it". I wanted to stay with him but since his head already hurt, I decided not to disturb him anymore.

I bought everything I thought we needed and went back to place where I left 2D. He wasn't there. I looked around and couldn't see him in the store. I walked outside and finally saw him. I ran to him. He was looking at something.

" hey, want to go there?" He was probably pointing at the place he was looking at but my ass was out of breath and I couldn't even look up.

" I should start working out" I said quietly at myself.

" huh?" He looked at me confused, tilting his head.

" nothing- what were you looking at?" He smiled and pointed somewhere in the street. Little colourful tents were all around the road with people in masks and costumes walking around.

" seems like some festival, maybe they couldn't wait until October " it looked beautiful. All the colours and the sweets and stuff.

" omg! We should go there! " I tucked on his shirt and made him follow me. Loud music was playing and everyone around us looked happy, I couldn't hide my excitement either. Suddenly I realised that lot of people and loud music wasn't the best place to be for 2D.

I looked at him to ask if he was feeling alright but I caught him smiling at me softly.

" you're like a little kid, y/n"

" shut up" I said jokingly, pushing him in a playful way. " also doesn't your head hurt? Tell me if it bothers you, we'll go home immediately!"

" I'm fine" he said with a chuckle and messing with my hair.

" hey!" I acted mad but we both knew that it was a joke. I looked around and spotted some very weird looking sweets.

" omg, 2D we have to try those!!" I jumped and dragged him with me. He just went along, chuckling and teasing me about acting like a child. We got to the tent and we ordered sweets we wanted. I looked at my wallet and realised that I didn't have any money left after the store. Only money I had brought with me was for the road to my grandma and snacks, it wasn't much.

" ah, 2D you can eat them yourself. I don't want any anymore. "

"Huh? " he looked at me surprised. He was holding sweets in both of his hands. He eyed me up and down and gave me one of the dango. " I'll pay"

I was very embarrassed. I hated when people payed for my stuff.

"No need, really"

" nah I'm doin it" he said carelessly as he payed for both of us.

Rest of the day went smoothly. I could feel myself liking 2D more and more and couldn't help the feeling that he did too. I was trying my best not to give myself any wrong ideas. It was getting dark and we went to find a place somewhere to watch the fireworks show a random man warned us about.

2D stood there for a while thinking.

" I think I know the perfect place, y/n!" He grabbed my hand at dragged me somewhere.

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