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about two months later

This was the moment.

Charles was going to be F2 champion, something he worked so hard for. It meant that Charles would go to F1 next season.

A huge step for him, his team, his family and of course for our relationship.

I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified, this whole thing was so huge, media presence was enormous and they want to know everything. We were not hiding our love but it was not something we wanted to display openly. Nevertheless we all know the press is ruthless, they dig up every single thing, every detail. That was a step I was not really comfortable to take yet.

We were in the early stages of our relationship still, we were constantly learning to trust each other. It was hard for me, as I struggled to just be calm and not overreact at the slightest thing and it was hard for Charles to just accept good things in his life. He's been very protective over me and I understand. I didn't want to loose him either. He was my everything and he knew that.

He knew also that I was afraid of the change that Formula 1 was about to bring. There was tension between us in the last few weeks and our fights were heavy, mostly because of me. As always I overreacted. I asked myself so often how he could still be with me. How he could still love me when I was being a bitch.

It didn't help that I had exam stress and I was just frustrated. Charles passed his exams earlier because of his career. And now he had finished with school, I was still stressed as ever and clueless about my future.

To summarize, my whole life was a mess and Charles was my only anchor and I was about to scare him away.

Today was Saturday and I was at home in my bed, I was feeling ill and had no intention of going out of my room. Since I was living with my parents still, that was no problem because they could bring me food if I wanted to eat and I had my own toilet, so no problem.

"Honey? Can I come in?" my mother knocked on my door.


"Please don't be mad at me, I know you aren't feeling well and that you don't want to see anyone but he is worried."

And with that Charles came in. Fucking awesome.

He came to sit on my bed and my mother left the room.

"Jules, I have something planned but for that you have to leave your bed, it will be worth it I promise."

"Only because I know you won't shut up until I go." I left the bed and got dressed.

We left the house and drove with his car to the harbor. There we went on a beautiful yacht where a picknick was prepared.

While we sat there, looking over the ocean, eating peaches and other food, I could help but think about all of my problems.

"Jules, is something wrong?"

"No, well yes in some way."

"Then let's talk now. Jules, I know we argue a lot, especially in the last two weeks, the pressure on you has been overwhelming. I know you are afraid, I know this is a whole new world for you. I know you think things will change, that I leave you, that I find someone else but one thing I know for sure, that I will never let this thing change us. And that I don't think about leaving you, ever. It will be tough, free time will be less, but look at us, we survived the last months and it was not easy. Nobody knows what the future will bring or what F1 will bring, but I will love you through it all. You know family is everything for me and my first priority and you Jules, are my family."

At that point I was already crying and sobbing.

"But what if we change, I know you don't want to but there are so many things around us, we can't influence that. Or what if something happens to you, I don't want to loose you, it's so dangerous. I am just so tired and stressed, all I want to do is sleep, be with you, forget about the world. But you are always so busy and I feel like the depressed girl you have to take care for. I am so tired."

"Then sleep Baby."

"But our problems, my exams, I need to go home and finish this piece..."

"Nothing matters right now, just you."

I closed my eyes, leaned my head on Charles' shoulders and slept.

At some point I felt him laying me down and I just slept through.

When I woke up I saw that I was in my room again. It was 7 pm.

Charles noticed I was up and came to my bed.

"You really needed that sleep. I hope you feel better."

"I do, thank you."

"Listen, without starting again, I just want to say that I love you, with everything I have to give. There is nobody I want other than you, I want to protect you as much as possible. We won't let the press know about us until you feel ready, I really really want to show you of, believe me, but I understand. I have spoken with my PR and she agrees and is willing to help us. When I am not here you will have support you know that, my brothers and my mother love you, they will be there for you along to your own parents. Everything is sorted, you can come to any race you want. And your exams will be good, I actually looked over this piece you mentioned and just corrected a few errors, it wasn't much. With your intelligence you will do well on your exams and whatever you do after, I will be there for you for it all. You will be someone great I promise."

"I am sorry for the way I am Charles. You deserve so much better."

"But I only want you and you are perfect the way you are. I love you."

"I love you too, so much."

"I had an idea while you slept, maybe that way you will miss me less when I am not here, let's move in together. We can find a cute apartment in the neighborhood and it will be ours."

"That sounds nice, let's do that."

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