Things I Learned In Highschool

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So as I've basically almost finished up highschool, so let me ACCURATELY tell you what high school is really going to be like. Because NOBODY told me- only it's going to always be amazing! The time of your life omg! Sadly no not always.

High school is not NOT going to be like in the movies. This is not Mean Girls. When you are mean you are not going to be liked, even though you may be rich or whatever.
High school is where you really find yourself, besides college. It is a process of self discovery even if you didn't know what/ that you were going through this process. 

The attitude you send out is the attitude or people you will attract. You may go through drama with girls you have NEVER SEEN or met. Or even, sadly, with your good friends over something so minuscule it is ridiculous and time wasting. 

Being popular will not get you far and having a boyfriend won't make your entire life complete. Nor will drama. So without further ado here's what I learned and am still learning in high school:

1. Don't compare yourself (academically or physically) to some other girl. We have our own struggles. Don't make your self feel bad because you don't look like so and so. Who cares. You are stunning. And I hope you surround yourself with people who know and acknowledge this fact. including you.

2. Please think before you speak. Your words can get you in a lot of trouble and start drama. Save the gossip for your family or God or who ever you trust your life with. Drama will only get you a bad reputation. Don't be a pot stirrer. Sure you can watch or be nosy about others drama, but don't be in it. It'll give you stress and acne, blah, and tears. Don't waste your calories on stuff like that.

3. Not everyone is your cup of tea and vice versa. That is okay. Here is a quote I really like.
I'm gold baby and if you prefer silver that's fine with me.
Or something like that. Remember you don't have to please everyone and be everyone's friend. Just be respectful and civil and that's amazing in itself.

4. Join clubs. Whatever fascinates you, do NOT JOIN just because your friends are. I made that horrible mistake and I regret that because I was in a club I didn't like and I quit and disappointed them. I feel bad but I can't do that to myself, and to them, because I don't like it. And due to the fact that I won't be doing my best.

5. Don't feel like you have to be a clone. Just because the "popular" girls are wearing scrunchies do you? No. If they're vaping do you have to vape? HECK NO. If you don't like it don't wear, do, or say it. You will thank yourself later.

6. If you have a group of friends and they all have something in common that you don't like, for example, rap don't listen to it to fit in. You'll be boring, not unique or yourself. Being yourself is the best you can be. I listened to rap to fit in. Not something huge but this is just one example. Changed me for the worst and made me insecure to keep trying. Please do not do that to yourself. They are friends with you for a reason and it's because you're not like them.

7. Have emergency kits for periods, headaches, etc. in your locker and gym locker.

8. USE YOUR LOCKER. If you don't need to, don't strain your back if you have a locker you can use.

9. Stop. STOP GROWING UP SO FAST. I am not. I love being young. Young doesn't equal innocent or pure. Young means fun enthusiastic for things you like, a little immature (not too immature), your age. you'll never be younger than you are right now. But don't focus on being young. Don't obsess about staying young. Growing is apart of life after all!

10. Tell everyone you love, that you love them. Even your friends that you trust your life with tell them you love them platonically.

11. Don't worry about what others think, they are already worried about what others think themselves. Trust me no one payed attention to that tiny stain on your blouse.

12. Be on time, pay attention in class- leads to good grades and you may not have to study as much, and respect your teachers. Enough said for this.

13. Take advantage of the library. Books, computers, study tables, etc.

14. Be prepared for class. I am not hating on this who aren't, you could've forgotten something or can't afford it, someone stole it, you lost it, etc. but if there isn't a viable reason to NOT have your supplies, then you better be prepared.

15. PSAT is a pain but with each year you'll get better. And when it's time for the SAT's you'll understand what is on there.

16. Find scholarships, colleges, and meet requirements for the colleges you want to go to.  Research them. Some and most requirements are two or four years of a foreign language your school offers.

17. Have a year book for memos. You'll look back and be thankful.

18. Just sit back and enjoy the ride it'll be over before you know it and trust me you'll either hate leaving or you just wanna get out of there.
Your life WILL NOT END WHEN HIGH SCHOOL ENDS. In fact it has just begun. COLLEGE is the real start. If you are going. And even if you are not, that's okay because you're life is still beginning. And whoever says that you must MUST go to college is a liar. My mom didn't go to college and she works for the ceo of a high tech company and loves her job. Of course she had to work her way up there from one crappy boss to another, but she got to where she is today due to hard work ethic. She didn't get to where she is by a degree so go to college or don't. I just wish the best for all of you guys and success as well.

I hope all y'all follow at least one of these. And that y'all like them.

I am glad for whoever is reading this. Merci.



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                     Roots to remind you where you are from.


Lots of love and laughter
- Syd ❤️❤️❤️

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