Insecurities and fears- we all have them and that's okay

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This chapter is very intimate for me and important for everybody. Even though I'm addressing what mostly everyone has and thinks about, it's kinda personal. But I wanted to share this because sometimes I think that some people just don't have insecurities or I forget people do. Because I don't know what's going on in their lives. And I realize some need to hear this. So. Please enjoy this chapter and comment what you think. I would really love to know.

My insecurities run from my physical appearance, to what others think about me and a lot more.

- I don't always like the way my body looks.
Social media is definitely a part of this. As well as the Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines I read. The pictures I look at and the stores I see in the mall (I don't go to the mall a lot but it's when I do that I see images of certain physique's that I feel the need to look like) and on television (it's getting a little better on TV though). Society's standard of beauty are so effed up. Seriously. I don't get it how like for example: thin lips used to be the chiz (I think that's from victorious love that show! Anyhooooo) and now girls are getting lip fillers and doing an unhealthy Kylie Jenner challenge just to get big lips for a moment. It's sad. Society and it's standards are sad. If society's standards were all natural and that you're beautiful that way and you don't have to look like anyone else's body type, everyone would be a little bit happier. But it's not. And I don't think it ever will be. So I have to love myself enough to know and say to myself 'hey you may not look like her but you're still beautiful and so is she.'

Everyone has their off days and insecurities in the way they look: teeth, body shape, hair type, height, eye color, size, etc.
but when we love ourselves enough to know we are all beautiful with our differences and all, it's acceptance of the fact that we are beautiful and imperfect in the best way possible.

- I won't achieve my dreams.

I have a dream/ goal that I'll go to college and get my fashion degree. I want to be either a personal stylist or fashion journalist in my career. I simply love fashion. People tell me whenever I talk about it, my eyes literally like shine and I get a dazed look on my face because I love it so much. That's for everyone too. I love when people talk about what they're passionate about and their face says it all.

I'm afraid I won't achieve my dreams and goals. I want this so bad but I'm afraid I'll fail for some reason and let myself down. Maybe I'm not good enough. I know a lot of people feel they're not good enough and not just in this subject of achieving their dreams. But in general. They're not good enough for someone, not good enough at their job and someone will realize that. No. We are all good enough at what we do. People can't be us- if they could, they would be us. But they aren't and vice versa.
Here's the thing I learned, it's sad and true and everyone subconsciously knows this, there's is always gonna be someone more thicker, skinny, pretty, smarter, dedicated, driven, etc. than you and me. AND THAT IS OKAY BECAUSE NO ONE CAN EVER BE MORE YOU THAN YOU CAN. I feel like this got muddled a little but yeah sorry.

- some people don't like me and are talking about me behind my back.

99.5% not true at all. Sometimes I swear up and down I hear someone say my name. And I look around subtly but no one did. And then I think well if they were, is it really gonna affect me now and later in three years? No. It's not.
I'm a sensitive person and I admire and love people who are outspoken and less sensitive than I and all that. But if someone doesn't like me or you.

THEY CAN GO SUCK A DUCK and yes I mean a duck not anything else. They can KISS YOUR TIARA. Strut away from them because you don't need that. You'll be happier without them. But I know it may hurt but one day you'll wake up and it won't anymore. And it'll be refreshing and you'll realize you don't need them. You were happy before them hopefully and you certainly will be happy without them. You're a beyonce a icon.
Does beyonce or an icon care if someone doesn't like them? (Probably a little) then they'll realize 'hey screw them' they're missing out on pure awesome fun beautiful- ness, which is what you are.

- I'm not worthy

That some aspects of me make me unworthy of simple things like even people's kindness and sincerity. Idk I just feel like this sometimes. Can't explain it and don't have an answer for this.

- I'll disappoint people.

I'm afraid I'll let down my family. And myself. I have high standard for myself because I know what I can do. I'm afraid though that what I will do will disappoint EVERYONE and I get scared. Sometimes this fear drives me to not do certain things I want to do. It's so bad. I can't even explain this properly. I know a lot of people relate. It's just hard but when I take a step back and breathe it gets a little better and so does my mind set. Like idk now to explain any of this I'm so sorry.

-physical beauty/ superficial

Having your hair dyed blonde because you feel the need to for some reason isn't gonna make you happier if that's why you're doing it. It won't make you prettier because you're already gorgeous love. You truly are.
Getting your nails done every week, month, etc. isn't gonna make you more beautiful if that's why you're doing it.
Having the latest trends stocked up in your closet from shirts to shoes to accessories isn't gonna make you likable or beautiful.
Doing your makeup be everyday until you can't go out without it on is unhealthy and you can tell yourself it's for creativity or that you feel better with or without it on. But is that true? Because you're stunning without makeup- acne, burns, scars, bruises: be damned
You won't be beautiful because of materialistic things. There's this quote from a gossip girl book: "she wasn't the best dressed, or the skinniest, or the tallest girl in the room-" it ends by saying she sparkled a little bit more.
Because of her confidence, her attitude, the way she carried herself and it was about Blair Waldorf which btw the tv show is nothing like the books in the worst way possible. I love the books more. There's different characters it's a huge HUGE difference but still. The quote is true.

🐳Hey if y'all have advice to give me it's so welcome please comment if you do.

🐳This wasn't long sorry. But I want y'all YES YOU THE ONE WHO'S READING THIS, YEAH YOU COMMENT WHAT YOU ARE INSECURE ABOUT. I don't know you and no one else does on here so if that is what you are scared about, don't worry. I know people probably won't comment but still. I hope so. I think we should all talk about insecurities and fears and that we will all overcome them. It'll be a challenge for sure but when was stuff in life that's worthy, not challenging to achieve?

So I hope y'all have a beautiful day and night and life. I love y'all and y'all always have someone to talk to- me.

QOTD:      You've had to forgive a person that wasn't even sorry. That's strength.

Lots of love and overcoming insecurities.
♥️ Syd

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