What the Heck... It's 2020?

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What. The. Heck? Ummmm so it is now 2020. To be exact, it is January 3, 2020.
WHATAYEWHISHEUEJEBDHDJ! That is CRAAZY I cannot believe it. Whoa. It finally sunk in today that I MADE IT TO 2020 BABY!
Like yesssss. Honestly I can't believe it. But any ways. YOU MADE IT GIRLY YESS I AM SO PROUD. CONGRATS!

But anyways let me just state the obvious. Um I haven't been here in MONTHS. So I'm sincerely sorry for that. My mom saw how distracted I was with this app and finally made me delete but now it's about to be second semester. It is the last three days left until school starts 🙄😩😩. But I am back yay!
Gosh I am gonna be sending my transcript to my dream college to apply to and that is crazy. I finally got my SAT scores back ugh not as good as it could've been but I did better than last year. I can't believe that next year I won't be back at my high school.

WHOOO HOOOOOOOOO! Finally I mean it's been a JOURNEY. How many of y'all can agree? Like are y'all ready to leave or do you wanna stay for a while?


So I used to make the Nye resolutions. But now I am making one of those dream board things. I think it's such a cool concept. A youtuber I watch, Amber Scholl, made a video of her dream board for 2020. I'll put it up so y'all can see it. It honestly really inspired me so yeah.

I can't wait to see what this year brings. For all of us. I feel it will be amazing.

So to celebrate the new year and start of this NEW DECADE, I will be discussing goals and ways to help yourself make them happen.

Firstly WRITE THEM. It helped me A LOT. To see them everyday.... it really inspired me to reach my goals.

Then plan or write ways to achieve them. Like how are you gonna get there? You can't just wish for it to happen (sadly) you gotta work for it.

Good grades: STUDY your butt off! Work for it. Write and CHECK your agenda every. dang. day. It will help. Work to make good grades and work to make YOURSELF proud. You've got this. Now do it.

Ask for extra help. Go in early. Stay after. COMMUNICATE WITH THE TEACHERS! Get on their good side.

Confidence: Maybe learn to accept yourself. Your faults. Everything. Accept the things you can't change and change the things you CAN change. Step away. No RUN AWAY from people who are negative and talk down on you. Who make you feel like you're worthless. Even if it's hard to separate yourself from them. Do it. Tell yourself you're beautiful everyday.

Dress how a confident you would dress. In sweats? Yes girl your stunning. In jeans? Dayummmmmm okay girl work it. In sneakers? You're gorgeous. In heels? beautiful.
Treat yourself right. Your body right. Your everything right because you are worth so much. You're IRREPLACEABLE.

Health: SLOWLY replace things you eat with other things. chips? maybe some vegetables with a little ranch or hummus. Maybe cashews or almonds. Or even make your own chips

 Or even make your own chips

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Drink more water.
Don't limit yourself to only eating healthy. The more you deprive yourself of the sugary crap, the harder it will be to hold back so sure once every week have a cheat MEAL. It will be OKAY. Or even a cheat snack.

Meal prep if you want to.

Work out. Do a routine you ENJOY. Gym or no gym. Find something that really truly works for you.
So yeah create goals and write out HOW you will follow them through. Make a dream board if you want to. This year is all up to you. I hope that for every reader who reads this, that you have the most best, most brightest, most delightful year you've ever lived so far. That you wake up everyday feeling good even if things SUCK. That you be the BEST you. That you REALIZE YOU DESERVE THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Because gosh darn it you are the best you because there's only ONE you. I just want ALL of you guys to know this. I hope this helps you. That's all I wanna do.
I can give you countless beauty tips. and gym routines but will that REALLY help you? I mean yeah lol 😂 maybe. But I choose to help you this way. If y'all want. PLEASE COMMENT what you want from me PLEAASEE!! Thank you for reading this. And HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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ALSO I MADE IT OUT OF SPANISH!! I DID IT! Aahgshsnahsusjsnn. ahem.... anyhoo yay! Now I'm going into teamsports!

Happy 2020 QUEENS You made it. We made it so YEAHAYHSBDHYAYAY!




i'm just happy you read this to be frank.

Qotd: You're a BAMF. So walk like you are. And live like you are a bamf.
                         - me myself and I (Bad A$$...yea)

Happy New Years (even though I am three days late)

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