A Few Months Later

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A few months have passed by since y/n was basically taken from her very own mother. Being taken away from her home was tragic, but y/n didn't care anymore. She didn't care about most things. But what she did care about was her friends. Over these past couple of months, y/n grew closer to the whole gang.

She loved them all. Lime Pin, Bluey Toesandson, Nipple Horny, and last but not least, Hry Stylz. Apparently their gang was just one person short, that backstabber Zian Milk. He was their bestest friend and then left them, but that's a story for another time. Now y/n is their bestest friend.

Even though everyone in y/n's new home were friends, she had nothing to do. All day everyday she had to stay inside. You cant just walk out when you've been bought, right? They paid good money for you. Nobody likes being ripped off. CACHING CHING$$

So being the dumb bitch that y/n is, she decides to do the very first thing that comes to mind.

Saran Wrap.

Wrapping yourself up in Saran Wrap was something y/n has always wanted to do. After running down the stairs like Naruto, breaking a vase, and accidentally flashing Nipple Horny a couple of times, she made it to the kitchen. She violently grabbed the clear plastic and wrapped herself up.

What she didn't know, was that Hry Stylz was watching her. He walks up silently behind y/n thinking of a way to impress her.


EVERYONE LOVES THEM RIGHT? When you just bend over backwards and try to look super cool? Right, so Hry Stylz does a bridge to try to impress y/n. Being the hoe that he is, he easily bends back and oh god-

Before he could realize, his meat scepter had penetrated her donut.

But don't worry, at least y/n and Hry Stylz used protection. That Saran Wrap worked wonders.


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