Chapter 1 :The Bride And The Funerals

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''It was a dark winter night in Texas when the howling of the wind became real". That was the beginning of Grandma's story that no one has ever known if it is true.

Lucy, a little girl, used to live in an old small house with her parents in Texas. She used to take care of a little white flower that she called "Bride." Bride was Lucy's best friend; she used to tell her all her secrets. But as Lucy grew up, she lessened her caring of Bride; she even stopped saying her secrets to her flower. When Lucy reached fifteen, she befriended some kids her age and forgot all about her old buddy, Bride. Bride's color began to darken as days passed by, and it got really dark, with a lot of thorns appearing on it. Unfortunately, one day, Lucy's parents got really sick. The doctors didn't know the reason or the cure; they all were amazed by this new disease. Lucy was so affected; she remained at home with her parents for a whole year until death took her parents away. After Lucy's parents' funeral, Lucy cried near her Bride. While crying, she noticed two big red dots on the white flower. She thought they were paint from the neighborhood kids.

After a few months of Lucy's parents' death, Lucy got a message from her old friend Jessica, saying that she would come to Lucy's house from travel. She wanted to live with Lucy since Lucy had been alone for a few months. When Jessica arrived, Lucy forgot all about the white flower. She had so much fun with her friend that she didn't notice her flower was deprived of water and dying. One day, while hanging out together, Lucy asked Jessica to go downstairs and make her one of her special salads. Jessica agreed and went downstairs. Soon after, a loud scream came from downstairs, causing Lucy to rush down to see what happened. When she got there, she was shocked to see her friend lying dead on the stairs with blood. Lucy screamed and cried without knowing the reason for her friend's death.

Lucy did the same thing she had done after her parents' funeral. She went to Bride and cried over her friend. Now she had lost three people she loved in one year. As she was crying, Lucy noticed that the red dots on Bride had increased to three. At this moment, she realized that she was in danger. Many scary thoughts took over her as she ran to the basement. There, she saw one of her deepest secrets written in blood on one of the basement walls. Suddenly, the storm struck! She heard the howling of the wind. At this moment, Lucy ran as fast as she could, and she got out of the house, knowing it had become haunted!
And after a while.....
(To be continued)
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