Chapter4: Collecting The Puzzle

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After that unusual appearance of something a mind could hardly understand, Elena, with her super intelligence, recognized the unnatural suspicious mystery. Elena just wanted to end the problem, find out what the cause of all the disasters was, and solve the mystery. Elena grabbed all her courage and immediately started her investigation. She decided to start where the supernatural events first started, having learned about those events from her grandmother Lucy as stories when she was younger. Lucy had a memory box that she had told Elena about once, so that was Elena's first stop. Elena asked her mom about the place of Lucy's old memory box. Emily, Elena's mom, told her that this special box was in the attic with old and unused things. After some time, Elena went to the attic and searched for almost an hour for that old box until she found it under some old books. Elena opened it excitedly but also with some fear. In that box, Elena found an old diary for her grandmother in which she wrote about what her own mom used to tell her about her weird childhood actions. Lucy also mentioned in that diary about her weird dreams she had whenever she was pregnant. Elena remained all day reading that diary, and as she delved deeper, she noticed more clues. One of the most important things she read was when Lucy was found at the garden of her house saying it's the cemetery and screaming ''It's all your fault!'' Another one is one time when Lucy was talking with a weird shadow!

Elena took these details and rushed downstairs to talk with her mother. She asked her mom Emily to tell her more details about the dreams her grandma had when she was pregnant, and asked her if she (Emily) also, like (Lucy) her mom, was told that she have done any weird actions as a kid. Emily told her daughter Elena about the dreams her mom saw when she was pregnant; the most important two were the first and last. The first when she saw a woman and the girl, and the last when she saw the same girl falling on a rock. Emily also told Elena about her mom's life, how her parents died and then her friend, about what she heard about Derk and Sandy, and about how Lucy saw on one of the basement's walls her secrets written in blood. Elena asked her mom again about her weird childhood actions, so Emily said, ''Yes, I have done as a kid very strange actions!'' Then, Emily began to tell her all about her actions; she told her about what she used to do, about the cemetery, and the song she used to sing. Elena took the rich information and went to bed; she decided that the next day she would go to Texas to the old house for more clues. When Elena fell asleep, she saw wood and construction on an old cemetery and shadows screaming ''No!'' After that, she saw a woman; the woman was planting a white flower on a short grave that seemed to be for a kid, and suddenly a man appeared and hit her on her head with a stone till death.

Elena woke up terrified; now she knew the real story! There was a little girl swinging, as she was swinging she fell on a rock and died; her mom planted on her grave a white flower, and she was sitting beside her daughter's grave. An unknown man killed and buried her near her kid. Years later, Lucy's parents built a house on the cemetery, and from then that house became haunted!

Elena almost solved the whole mystery; now she knows the story, but she still needs to know who was the murderer and how and what to do to stop the curse from her family! Will she ever succeed?!
To be continued....
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