Chapter2:The Curse

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Derek, Lucy's older cousin, had a daughter named Sandy. Sandy's mom, Perla, died in a car accident almost a year ago, while Sandy was still little and at school. Sandy's life became miserable after her mom's death; she always cried in her room, remembering how her mom used to tell her bedtime stories and play with her all day. Also, when Sandy slept in her mom's room, she suffered since she saw her mom's things and clothes. Derek was so sad about his wife's death, but he was suffering seeing his daughter like that, so he decided to move to a new house for his daughter to be happy once again and maybe forget a little.

One day, when Derek was looking for a house in Texas, he remembered the old house of Lucy's father. Derek decided to live there with his daughter, so as he approached the house, he saw nothing and no one; he just saw three graves! He thought they were for his uncle's family, so he got really sad not knowing what had happened so far from Texas. Derek entered the house, cleaned and decorated it, and moved with his daughter to live in it.

Derek got a job in Texas and registered Sandy in the town's school. Not long after, on a Sunday night, a disaster happened: an earthquake shook the ground and took Derek's new car. And that was only the beginning of the catastrophic events! That night Derek was crying and angry because his new car was gone. As he was crying, he saw a white light coming from the kitchen. He sneaked to see who was in the kitchen lighting a white lantern. As he was looking, he saw nothing but a shadow of a little girl! He was terrified until suddenly Sandy called him. At this moment, his fear went away, thinking that it was Sandy's shadow. But how could it be when the shadow was in the kitchen and Sandy was upstairs?

After a while, an unusual thing happened: the principal of the company that Derek worked in had been killed in his office and left the company without money! The company lost all its money, so all the workers, including Derek, were fired. Derek had the only job in town that included his business, and now he lost it. Derek wanted to move back to London, but he couldn't because of his daughter's school. He had to work at a farm, which he hated but must do it for financial profit. Each day when he came from work, he was so angry! He stopped asking Sandy how she was or even if she had problems.

Until one day, Sandy was playing near the well and her dad was cooking; she was jumping and having fun until a strong wind pushed her in a way that she was falling into the well. Derek screamed, "Sandy!" and rushed to save his daughter. His fingers touched her dress in the last second and saved her. Derek and Sandy hugged each other deeply, and Derek told Sandy that if she died, he was going to die too. After this incident, Derek knew that there was something extraordinary in the house trying to harm him and that the house gave him not only bad luck but also a curse!

After Derek and Sandy took a deep breath, they decided to go back to their old house. So, Derek entered the house and put all their clothes in the bags. As he was going downstairs to go with Sandy, who was waiting for him outside, he reached the door of the house and as if something told him to look behind, so he did, to see what looked like a drawing of a woman or a girl drawn in blood!

To be continued.....
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